- This week will be hectic. 本周会很繁忙。
- Your lucky day this week will be Saturday. 幸运日是星期五。
- Melinda: Maybe this week will be different! 美琳达:可能这周会有所不同!
- May not understand your needs. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday. 不要许不切实际的承诺;本周你对异性非常有吸引力;你会发现,亲戚朋友可能不了解你的需求。幸运日为星。
- Some time to come. Your mind may not be on the job. Your lucky day this week will be Sunday. 你的爱人可能根本不值得你付出感情;将来的某个时间你可能会后悔你所说过的每句话;你的心思可能不在。
- Plan your day thoughtfully, but try not to rely on others. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday. 反复检查自己的工作,确保老板能满意。如果有人需要帮忙,尽力去协助。彻底地计划好每一天,但不要依赖他人。幸运日是星期四。
- This week isnt so busy, but the days surrounding my debut will be very hectic. 这周不是非常忙,不过随着首次出演的临近会变得无比之忙。
- It is in the air that there will be a typhoon this week. 有传言说这星期将有台风。
- Ause you didn't really want to make a commitment. Travel in pursuit of pleasure and knowledge. Your lucky day this week will be Friday. 狮子:与朋友或姻亲的交往会带来突然的变动;可能会出现情感的破裂,因为你并不真想做出承诺;可出门旅行,享受快乐,增长见识。幸运日为星期五。
- The best participant of this week will be a creative and interesting one which will be rewarded highest 30 points as strongest argumentation and little English grammatical errors! 这星期的最佳的参加者,将是一位有创造性的和引人注意的参加者,其论文论点最强,较少有英语语法错误,将被奖励最高30分!
- Things will be hectic and family members will be erratic. 双鱼座:事情发展很急速,家庭成员会很奇怪。
- Fresh apples will be on the market this week. 这星期会有新鲜的苹果上市。
- Adjust the program to be made early this week will be a member of the convening of the meeting submitted to the UAW local union leaders. 拟作出的调整方案将在本周初召开的委员会议上提交给UAW地方工会领导人。
- Put your energy into your work or moneymaking ventures rather than into your emotional life this week.Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday. 把精力放在工作或赚钱上,不要在情感上消耗过多。
- You will be a real chatterbox this week. 你本周会喋喋不休的唠叨。
- Rio Mayor Eduardo Paes said the city this week will launch a Web site, Olympic Transparency, where all spending on the games will be posted. 里约热内卢市长帕埃斯(EduardoPaes)说,该市本周将推出一个名叫“奥运透明性”的网站。网站将公布所有的奥运相关支出。
- Finally the FOMC meeting this week will be very closely watched as some say recent developments would warrant a rate cut. 最终,由于外界盛传最近的一些事态发展将导致降息,因此本周进行的联邦公开市场操作委员会会议备受关注。
- First-quarter results due starting this week will be scrutinized for signs of how much taxpayer-funded capital is being funneled into loans. 本周起,银行将开始发布第一季度业绩,监管机构将会对其进行仔细审查,看看有多少政府注资用在了发放贷款上。
- There will be snow this week,or I'm a Dutchman. 本周要是不下雪我就不是人。
- Work quietly on your own. You should be in business for yourself. Social activities that involve the whole family will be enjoyable. Your lucky day this week will be Friday. 独自静静工作。应该为自己的生意努力。全家一起参加社会活动是个不错的选择。幸运日为星期五。