- This was also a summon. 这也是一声召唤。
- This was also a milestone in the history of the WRSA. 增冠新会名是欧美同学会历史上的一件大事,具有里程碑性的重大意义。
- Coincidentally, he was also a teacher. 他碰巧也是名教师。
- Despite these remarks had been suspected misuse, but this was the "misunderstanding" was also a reason. 这些言论尽管曾有被误用之嫌,但这种被“误解”也是有来由的。
- This was also attributed to Thoth. 这也归因于透特神。
- He was also a partner and it took about 30minutes. 面试我的也是一个公司股东,大概也用了30分钟。
- This was also true for the soil saturated with oil. 对浸透了油的土壤也是如此。
- He was also a precise and even calculating artist. 他也是一位精确甚至精打细算的艺术家。
- This was also my problem unlocking. 这也是我的问题;解锁.
- It was also a black-letter day for the whole world. 这对全世界来说也是不幸的一天。
- There was also a Kwame Brown sighting. 还有关于夸梅-布朗的。
- I am also a counselor of this training center. 我也是这所训练中心的顾问。
- Dr.Kraemer,a former lawyer,was also a private. 克雷默博士以前当过律师,那时也只是个士兵。
- He was also a good deal in debt. 他负债累累。
- Actually,I was also a taxi driver two years ago. 事实上,2年前我也是开出租车的。
- It was of the opinion that this was also a skewed view of what should be understood by IP and development or being development friendly. 它认为,这也是一种对知识产权与发展问题或者知识产权有利于发展问题的歪曲理解。
- Not only was he a singer,but he was also a painter. 他不仅是个歌唱家,而且他也是个画家。
- This was also a time in my life when I began looking at the foods I was eating and detoxifying my body, as I had become severely malnourished. 这也是我生命中一个开始查看我所进食的事物并排毒我身体的时期,因为我已经非常严重地营养不良。
- This was also a crazy request from Ms.Kanno.I was asked to draw a picture as if painted by a billboard painter who mixed up the contents of the movie. 菅野小姐又提出了奇怪的要求,让我画一张海报,要画得好像画海报的人搞错了电影的内容(笑)。
- Einstein was also a bold mathematician. 爱因斯坦也是一位富于想象力的数学家。