- This mooncake sells quite well. 这款月饼卖得很好。
- Do you know anything about our products?Yes. Your furniture is very popular. Your knockdown furniture has sold quite well both at home and abroad. 你了解我们的产品吗?
- If you buy this mooncake, you will get a gift. 如果您买这种月饼,您会获得一份小礼品。
- All things considered, we're doing quite well. 从各方面的情况看,我们目前干得挺好。
- He knows the roads in this district quite well. 他熟悉这一带的路途。
- Cui:H'm which.Sound your this book should sell quite good. 崔:嗯哪。听起来您这本书应该会卖得不错。
- She can understand Swedish quite well. 她懂瑞典语。
- The last time (when) I saw him, he was quite well. 最后一次看到他时,他还相当健康。
- This power saw delivers the goods quite well. 这把电锯很好用。
- The work was coming along quite well. 工作进展得相当顺利。
- I think I fared quite well in the interview. 我觉得我这次面试考得不错。
- This room willdo+[1]me quite well. 这房间对我十分合适。
- They sell quite a wide choice of food at the shop. 商店里有种类繁多的副食品可供选购。
- This room will do me quite well. 这个房间很适合我的需要。
- We sell quite a number every day. 我们每天卖出去很多。
- This tie suits with that coat quite well. 这条领带跟那件衣服很相配。
- Dried Scallop , Shrimp , Cuttlefish , Seaweed , Walnur ,Almonds , Melon Kernel seed and sesame in this mooncake ! 一网搜罗海味干贝,香酥虾米,红烧鱿鱼搭配香烤杏仁,核桃,芝麻和瓜子,是味蕾的新体验!
- Stuart can play the piano quite well when he puts his mind to it. 斯图尔特志心致志时,定能把钢琴弹好。
- Don't bother yourself about me; I am doing quite well. 别为我操心,我一切都好。
- The time of execution of the work suit us quite well. 工程完成期限对我们完全合适。