- This forced them into mutiny. 这迫使他们叛变。
- Fear of you forced them into silence. 他们怕你才只得保持沉默。
- The ruthless economic exploitation and political oppression of the Chinese peasants forced them into numerous uprisings against landlord rule. 地主阶级对于农民的残酷的经济剥削和政治压迫,迫使农民多次地举行起义,以反抗地主阶级的统治。
- This form forces them into exactly the right diameter to fit around the armature. 这种形式迫使他们到正确的直径,以适应各地的电枢。
- You have brought many miscellaneous and idle personnel of various organizations and many young students from Hsuchow and forced them into your army, but how can these people fight? 你们虽然把徐州带来的许多机关闲杂人员和青年学生,强迫编入部队,这些人怎么能打仗呢?
- Plenty of people in Zurich acknowledge that it was less public-spiritedness than the city's strict enforcement system and the threat of big fines that forced them into eco-consciousness. 许多苏黎世都承认,迫使他们发挥环保意识的与其说是公德心,倒不如说是害怕市政府严格的规定和高额的罚款。
- This will lull them into a false sense of security. 这会使他们产生一种虚假的安全感。
- I would also like to call on my fellow Singaporeans to be reasonable in making comments on our policy-makers. Don't force them into the "work less,err less" mentality. 最后呼吁国人的表态与见解要专业一些,理智一些,别把我们的决策者逼上“无过论”的道路上去。
- I would also like to call on my fellow Singaporeans to be reasonable in making comments on our policy-makers. Don't force them into the "work less, err less" mentality. 最后呼吁国人的表态与见解要专业一些,理智一些,别把我们的决策者逼上“无过论”的道路上去。
- This company he is running, entraps people into working for him and then, forces them into laboring for him, possibly selling illegal products and goods on the open streets. 那个公司挟持他,可能在街上进行非法的买卖。
- Did the gravity of our galaxy's spiral arms force them into oddball orbits, or are they immigrants, formed in regions beyond the Milky Way from material that was never part of it? 它们是否受我们星系旋臂的重力所迫而进入古怪的轨道?或者根本就是源自银河系之外,由不属于本星系的材料所建构出的外来移民呢?
- If you can get some Banelings intothe enemy's peon line, you can significantly stifle their economy, aswell as force them into a defensive minded mentality. 这很可以逼迫对手进入防御态势。不过,有法必有破;
- While the Chinese government frequently jails dissident writers or forces them into exile, it mostly ignores the antics of Guo and the other post-’80s writers. 中国政府经常把持不同政见的作家投入监狱或流放边疆,却一般都把郭敬明等80后作家的不合规矩的行为忽略。
- This forced the cost of living up considerably. 这使生活费用大大上升。
- But watch out you don't get them into trouble. 但要当心,不要给他们找来麻烦。
- Cut up the carrot before you put them into the pot. 把胡萝卜切碎後再放进锅内。
- The strike threw them into great fear. 罢工使他们惶恐不安。
- This forced industries to cut costs however they could. 这就迫使工业采取一切可能的办法降低成本。
- He tried to provoke them into fighting. 他企图挑拨他们打架。
- Let's separate them into six lots. 咱们来把它们分成6堆。