- This factory make shoes. 这工厂产鞋。
- This factory makes high speed gear shapers. 这个工厂制造高速齿轮造形机。
- The factory makes shoes to last long. 这家工厂生产的鞋子很耐穿。
- This factory makes a monopoly of sugar. 这个工厂独家经售糖。
- This factory makes thousands of bottles a day. 这个工厂一天生产上千个瓶子。
- This factory makes milk drink aromatic and agreeaBle to the taste. 该厂把牛奶饮料配制得香浓可口。
- This factory makes polyethylene bag of all kinds, suitable to hold cement, grain, forage etc. 本厂生产各种型号、材质的编织袋,适用于水泥、粮食、饲料等各种行业。
- They will make both cars and trucks at this factory. 他们将在这家工厂制造汽车和卡车。
- This factory manufactures shoes. 这家工厂制造鞋子。
- This factory was constructed by our company. 这家工厂是由我们公司建设的。
- You can make shoes from the skins of animals. 你可以用动物的皮做鞋子。
- His sister is a weaver in this factory. 他姐姐是这个工厂的一名纺织工。
- They make wood into paper in this factory. 在这座工厂里人们把木料制成纸。
- We make shoes in a wide range of price. 我们制鞋的价格幅度很宽。
- The men in this factory walked out yesterday. 这个工厂的工人昨天罢工了。
- Our factory makes celluloid articles. 我们厂制造赛璐路制品。
- It is very slow to make shoes by hand. 手工做鞋是很慢的。
- This factory made cars. 这家工厂制造汽车。
- This factory makes earthenware. 这家工厂生产陶器。
- This factory made munitions. 这家工厂制造军火。