- This consignment is tax?exempt. 这批货物不应征收关税。
- The quality of this consignment is far from being satisfactory. 交付的货物质量不能令人满意。
- Donations of HK$100 or above is tax exempted by official receipt. 凡捐款港币100元或以上,凭收据可申请扣减税款。
- This consignment is not up to the standard stipulated in the contract. We are now lodging a claim with you. 这批货的质量低于合同规定的标准,现向你方提出索赔。
- This is consignment is insured under our open cover terms. 这批货物已按我方预约保险条件投保。
- There was a tax exempt label on the cigarette box. 烟盒上有个免税标签。
- Large consignment is arriving from other source. 大量的寄售货物正从别处运到。
- The main plank in his election campaign is tax reform. 他竞选运动的主要政纲是税制改革。
- Please also cover the risk of breakage for this consignment. 请为我们这批货加保破碎险。
- What coverage will you take out for this consignment? 对此货你方将投保什么险?
- The quality of the new consignment is far from being satisfactory. 新到的这批货质量远不能使人满意。
- Please advise how much we can realize on this consignment? 请告知该批寄售货能卖多少钱?
- The court ordered the cost to is tax if not agree. 法院命令如果达不成协议诉讼费用由法院审定。
- Please advise how much we can realize on this consignment . 请告知该批寄售货能卖多少钱?
- Your donation is tax deductible. 你的捐助是可以扣税的。
- The money for this consignment has already been paid. 此项货款业已交割。
- Article 20 Interest earned from a postal savings account shall be tax exempt. 第20条存簿储金之利息,应免一切税捐。
- Please advise how much we can realize on this consignment. 请告知该批寄售货能卖多少钱?
- We must ask you to make a reduction of $600 per ton on this consignment. 我们必须请贵公司同意以每吨减价600元出售本批寄售之货。