- This apple has gone bad. 这个苹果坏了。
- The milk in this jug has gone bad. 罐里的奶牛变坏了。
- The rest of the eggs have gone bad. 其余的鸡蛋都变质了。
- These adzuki bean have gone bad after this long period. 放了这么些天,这些小豆都变质了。
- This piece of meat has been kept for a long time, as if it has gone bad. 这块肉放了好长时间了,好象坏了。
- The egg tastes as if it has gone bad. 这鸡蛋似乎味臭了。
- The rest of the wine has gone bad. 剩下的酒已经变质了。
- The food in the plate has gone bad. 盘子里的食物已经坏了。
- What a pity, all the fruit has gone bad. 真可惜,所有的水果都坏了。
- The meat has gone bad in such hot weather. 在如此热的天气,肉坏了。
- The milk tastes as if it has gone bad. 牛奶闻起来好像坏了。
- She couldn't have gone bad that far. 她不可能坏到如此地步。
- In the eight years since Jobs retook the CEO spot, Apple has gone from peewee to the neighborhood bully. 在乔布斯重返苹果首席执行长职位的八年时间内,苹果公司已经从一个顽童成长为了霸主。
- The leftovers have gone bad, and cannot be eaten. 剩的饭菜已经变味儿,不能再吃了。
- Help yourself to this apple pie. 请吃点苹果馅饼。
- Ex. The rest of the eggs have gone bad. 其馀的鸡蛋都变质了。
- The eggs taste as if it have go bad. 这鸡蛋似乎味臭了。
- This beverage just tastes that way; though strange, it doesn't mean it has gone bad. 这种饮料就是这种怪味儿,不是变质。
- I think that you have kept it too long.Maybe it has gone bad. 我想你放的时间太长了,也许它变质了。
- This apple is not good. It has a wormhole on it. 这个苹果不太好,上边长了个“疤拉眼儿”。