- Bob was out of sorts all morning, thinking about the failure of the experiment. 鲍勃整上午都没有精打采的,老想着试验失败的事儿。
- She spoke her thinking about the film. 她讲了讲她对那部影片的感受。
- I'm thinking about the plan we're going to lay out. 我在考虑我们要提出的计划。
- I'm liable to start thinking about the novel. 我大概是要开始构思这部小说了。
- They were both thinking about the sausage. 他俩都在想着香肠。
- And what do you think about the marketing prospect? 你觉得市场前景怎么样?
- Have you spent much time thinking about the past? 你有没有花很多时间回顾过去呢?
- Just thinking about the accident makes me shudder. 只要一想起那场事故,我就发抖。
- What do you think about the new movie? 你认为这部新电影怎么样?
- What did he think about the boss's decision? 他对老板的决定采取了什么态度?
- Thinking about the Fake “酌乎纬”
- How do you think about the weight control? 你对减肥是如何看待的?
- Think about the question and make possible answers. 思考问题与回答。
- However, do not think about the merits either! 不过,不要想功德啊!
- I told him straight off what I thought about the matter. 我立刻告诉了他我对此事的看法。
- He had no time to think about the woman problem. 他没有工夫考虑女人的问题。
- Q: What do You think about the angels? 问:您对天使有什么看法?
- Q: What do You think about the evolution theory? 问:请问您如何看待进化论?
- At the moment, he preferred not to think about the future. 此时此刻,他宁愿不去想未来的事情。
- A notice about the sale of the fake albumin was posted on the Chinese agency's Web site after reports by state television over the weekend that the practice was widespread. 周末中央电视台报道了在一家代理网站上出现的销售伪造血蛋白的通知,央视说这种现象很普遍。