- He doesn't look quite the thing this morning. 他今天早晨不大对劲。
- I am not quite the thing this morning. 今早身体不大舒服。
- She doesn't look quite the thing this morning. 今天早晨她气色不佳。
- I plan to buy the thing this afternoon. 今天下午我打算买东西。
- Tweeds are the big thing this fall. (粗)花呢服装是今秋风行的服装。
- But what a strange thing this "new democracy" is! 可是,“新式民主”是件多么新奇的事情!
- You might be afraid or attracted during thing this process. 在这过程中;你也许会害怕;也可能会入迷.
- We need a lot of things this week. 这个星期我们需要好多东西。
- One thing this experience shows is the value of sea power and air power. 有一点是为这件事所证明了的,即海军和空军力量的重要性。
- Karol: We need so many things this week. 卡罗尔:这星期我们需要很多东西。
- Karol:We need many things this week. 卡罗尔:这星期我们需要很多东西。
- You missed the exciting thing this morning.Good thing.Cara married Sam. 我猜,他心上那滴水游走在刀口剑锋,被利刃分作两股,悄然滴落。
- He also departed Orlando with the most important thing this time: a win. 詹姆斯没有让奥兰多魔术拿到一样最重要的东西,这就是胜利。
- He achieved two things at one stroke by doing things this way. 他这么做一箭双雕。
- I said to Nettie,"It's a good thing this is not still a church, otherwise these people couldn't be in here. 我对内帝说:“这里不再是一座教堂是件好事,否则这些人就不可能在这里。”
- One US official at the time called this the "stupidest thing this country ever did". 当时一名美国官员称此举“立国以来,蠢无前例”。
- He is always raising a stink about this, that or the other thing. 他总是为了这个、那个的大吵大闹,什麽事都有得吵,有得闹。
- Doing things this way, however, exacts two prices: brightness and resolution. 然而,通过这种方式来进行就必须付出两种代价:亮度与分辨率。
- He is exempt from punishment about this thing. 关于此事对他已免于处分。
- My wife murmurs the same thing day in and day out. 我妻子天天喋喋不休地重复同样的话。