- They will stay until Friday. 他们要呆到星期五。
- If it rains, they will stay at home tomorrow. 如果下雨,他们明天将呆在家里。
- The Italians are confident they will not be beaten to the punch by Chelsea in this transfer window, which closes on Friday, and Ronaldinho will stay in Catalonia. 意大利人相信至少在本周五即将结束的这个转会期内,切尔西难以购进小罗,他将依旧待在坎塔尼亚。
- How long do you plan to stay with this company,if hired?I will stay until I feel my work here is done. 如果被雇用了,你打算在这家公司待多久?
- Mr.Ambassador: It depends on how long they will stay in Switzerland and where they will go. 大使先生:这取决于他们要在瑞士逗留多长时间以及去什么地方。
- They died for peace,justice and the motherland,and they will stay in our memory forever. 他们是为和平、为正义、为祖国捐躯的,我们永远怀念他们。
- Countries with great natural resources in the ground are learning that they will stay there unless investors are given a fair shake. 有丰富地下资源的国家开始认识到,如果不同投资者做公平互利的交易,那些资源将长眠地下。
- By setting this TF to follow the other one, you will ensure that they will stay together and support each other. 通过设置这个编队跟随另外一个编队,这两个编队将呆在一起并互相支援。
- They died for peace, justice and the motherland, and they will stay in our memory forever. 他们是为和平、为正义、为祖国捐躯的,我们永远怀念他们。
- Lactating females need to drink at least once a day, and so they will stay as close to a pond or stream as possible. 哺乳期的雌马一天至少要喝一次水,所以会尽可能地待在池塘或溪流附近。
- She says the UNHCR needs the funds to support them when they get there so they will stay home. 她说,联合国难民署需要资金,以便在难民返回家园之后支持他们,使他们能够在家里生活。
- Paraphrase: While students are waiting for the domestic flight that will take them to the places they will stay at, they feel tension again. 当学生们在等待国内航班把他们送往他们在美国的临时的家时,他们感受到了另一种紧张情绪。
- The meeting was held over until Friday. 会议推迟到星期五才举行。
- Gullit also claimed: "There's a clique of mediocre players who think if they stick close to him they will stay involved in the team. 古立特还指出:“在纽卡球队中有一小撮普通球员认为只要巴结好希勒,他们就能留在队伍里混日子。
- Seung Heon, Park Han Byul and Director will arrive at Jeju on 6/6. KSW and Ji Sung will be going next week, most likely they will stay at this Ramada Hotel. 6日;承宪和朴寒星还有导演先去;权某和池成下星期去;看上去是会住这里;济州大酒店.;济州岛很欢迎拍摄团队和你们去
- They will stay in the Chinese Consulate General in Mumbai, confirmed, is one of the China Petrochemical Group, Li Jianguo, general manager of the Hong Kong office. 中英文对照:他们将暂住在中国驻孟买总领馆,经确认,其中一位是中国石油化工集团香港代表处总经理李建国。
- So far as I know, he will not be back until Friday. 据我所知,他要到礼拜五才会回来。
- They have an appropriate reason to honorably return home to allow their bodies to heal.But they will often stay and stick to the task at hand.They will stay to continue gods work. 他们有正当的理由光荣的卸免职责.;返乡休养身体
- You will be allowed to stay until the end of March. 你可以获停留到三月底。
- They will hold off their decision until Monday. 他们将延至星期一再作决定。