- They were robbed of victory in the last minutes of the games. 比赛的最后几分钟,他们失去了胜利的机会。
- They were confident that they would be able to pass the test. 他们相信自己能经受住考验。
- They were confident that they would reach their aim. 他们有信心达到他们的目的。
- They were exalted by the news of the victory. 他们因听到胜利的消息而兴高采烈。
- They are confident about themselves no matter what they wear. 他们不管穿什么衣服都很自信。
- They are confident in saying that the situation is improving. 他们满怀信心地说,形势在好转。
- So the reserve went off, and they were confiding and warm. 她们中间的隔膜,就这样化除了,又都亲亲热热地说起体面话来。
- They are confident that Cameron's aristo background is a very rich seam. 他们确信,卡梅隆的贵族背景是他一个很大的缺陷。
- They were sanguine about [of] victory. 他们对胜利表示乐观 [确信会胜利] (参看 1 c)。
- If they know nothing of victory, they are at least spared the knowledge of defeat. 如果他们不知胜利为何物,他们至少可以不必品尝失败的的苦楚。
- They were jubilant over their victory. 他们为赢得胜利而欢呼雀跃。
- They are confident that the Chinese and others, having developed a taste for malt in particular, will come back to it. 他们有信心那些已经对麦芽威士忌有了特别感觉的中国和其他国家的顾客将还会回来购买。
- They were pioneers in the field of microsurgery. 他们是显微外科学领域的创始人。
- They were seemingly unaware of the decision. 他们似乎并不了解这个决定。
- They were sprawled out in front of the fire. 他们摊开手脚烤火。
- After their victory they were whooping it up all night long. 他们获胜後通宵狂欢庆祝。
- They were off to visit a friend of theirs. 他们动身去拜访他们的朋友。
- They were split on the question of women's rights. 他们在女权问题上意见分歧。
- They have the confidence of the governments to which they are accredited. 他们对其所代表的政府有信心。
- They were suspected of underground activities. 他们被怀疑进行地下活动。