- They walked side by side in such a way as to suggest afar off the low, easy, confidential chat of people full of reciprocity. 他们并排走着,那种样子从远处来看,叫人以为是非常亲密的人小声安闲地在谈着知心话儿。
- They walked side by side. 他们并肩而行。
- They walk into the dance hall side by side. 他们并肩入舞场。
- The couple walked side by side on the pavement. 这一对儿肩并肩地走在人行道上。
- Michel Ardan and Maston walked side by side in silence. 米歇尔·阿当和梅斯顿默默地一前一后地走着。
- The two men walked side by side through the long gallery. 两人穿过长廊,并肩走着。
- They walked side by side in such a way as to suggest afar off the low, easy, confidential chat of people full of reciprocity 他们并排走着,那种样子从远处来看,叫人以为是非常亲密的人小声安闲地在谈着知心话儿。
- Godliman and Bloggs walked side by side along the pavement of a bomb-damaged London shopping street. 戈德利曼和布洛格斯肩并肩地走在伦敦商业区的一条弹痕斑斑的街道上。
- The two children are walking side by side. 那两个孩子肩并肩地走着。
- The street was so narrow that two people couldn't walk side by side. 街道很窄,所以两个人很难并排走。
- There were two children ahead, walking side by side. 前面有两个孩子肩并肩走着。
- After replying to the old man's greetings, he showed no inclination to continue the talk, although they still walked side by side, for the older traveller seemed to desire company. 他答复了那老人的问好之后;就表示不愿继续再讲话.;可是;那个年长的行路人似乎要有个伴儿;两人仍然并肩而行
- You know wine is a deceiver; but I should say it was two lovers walking side by side,and hand in hand. 你知道酒是骗人的家伙,但我敢说那是一对情人,正手挽手地在那儿并肩散步。
- You know wine is a deceiver; but I should say it was two lovers walking side by side, and hand in hand. 你知道酒是骗人的家伙,但我敢说那是一对情人,正手挽手地在那儿并肩散步。
- They embraced and walked away side by side. 他们互相拥抱,然后并肩前行。
- You know wine is a deceiver;but I should say it was two lovers walking side by side,and hand in hand. 你知道酒是骗人的家伙,但我敢说那是一对情人,正手挽手地在那儿并肩散步。
- The two boys play side by side all afternoon. 这两个男孩整个下午都在一起玩。
- We were neighbours (ie sat side by side) at dinner. 我们用餐时坐在一起。
- They lined up side by side for the photograph. 他们并肩排成队,准备照相。
- The two bottles stood side by side on the table. 两个瓶子并列在桌上。