- They surmounted Mount Mckinley. 他们登上了德纳里峰(即美国阿拉斯加州的麦金利山)。
- They surmount one crag after another. 他们登上一块又一块的峭壁。
- Foraker as they had for Mount McKinley, and it appears as if the names were not applied to individual peaks but instead to the Mount McKinley massif. 甚至在全球的登山家之间还流传着“不要像对待富士山一样对待珠穆朗玛峰”这样的传言。
- Mount McKinley rises to 6,197.6 meters (20,320 feet). 麦金利山倾斜向上直达6;197.;6米(20;320英尺)
- Cloud-enshrouded Mount McKinley is reflected in Wonder Lake in Alaska's Denali National Park. 意译:国家公园图片画廊。云彩遮掩麦金山反射惊奇地湖在阿拉斯加的德纳里峰国家公园。
- General Almond closed his command post ashore on 19 December and joined Admiral Doyle in the Mount McKinley. 阿蒙德将军于12月19日关闭了他在岸边的司令部使之与“麦金利山”号两栖指挥舰上道尔将军的司令部合二为一。
- He has scaled 6,194-meter Mount McKinley, the highest peak in North America, and tackled the Alps. He only started on Everest when aged in his 60s. 他成功登上了北美最高峰--海拔6194米的麦金利山脉,还战胜了阿尔卑斯山。在60多岁时,他才开始尝试攀登珠峰。
- Before they climbed down the side of the cliff, they met with many obstacles, but they surmounted them at last. 从悬崖的侧面爬下来之前,他们遇到了许多障碍,但终于把它们克服了。
- After the short run south, General Almond went ashore from the Mount McKinley at Ulsan at mid-afternoon with Admiral Doyle to inspect unloading areas. 在将要抵达朝鲜半岛南端时,阿蒙德将军和道尔将军于下午时分在蔚山从“麦金利山”号上登岸视察登陆场所。
- Before they climbed down the side of the cliff,they met with many obstacles,but they surmounted them at last. 从悬崖的侧面爬下来之前;他们遇到了许多障碍;但终于把它们克服了.
- Photo Gallery: National Parks Cloud-enshrouded Mount McKinley is reflected in Wonder Lake in Alaska's Denali National Park. 意译:国家公园图片。云掩盖麦金利山是反映在了不起的湖在阿拉斯加的denali国家公园。
- It rises almost directly above the standard base camp for Mount McKinley, on a fork of the Kahiltna Glacier also near Mount Hunter in the Alaska Range. 闻名全球的富士山是日本重要的象征之一,其在古代文献中亦被称为 不二 、 不尽 或是 富慈 ,也经常被称作芙蓉峰 或 富岳 。自古以来,这座山的名字就经常在日本的传统诗歌“和歌”中出现。
- According to Rev.Hudson Stuck, these Indians had two names for Mount Foraker;"Sultana" meaning "the woman" and "Menlale" meaning "Denali's wife", Denali being Mount McKinley. 于是,有关方面正努力将富士山登录为入选标准较为宽松的世界文化遗产。
- Mount Fuji Japan, Mount Merapi Indonesia, Mount Kilamanjaro Tanzania, Mount McKinley USA. Destroy the Lava Bombs. Save the buildings from damage within the time limit . 日本的富士山,印尼的默拉皮火山,坦尚尼亚的乞力马扎罗山。美国的麦金利山都是活跃的火山。你的任务就是消灭熔岩的威胁。在有限的时间内保护建筑物不受破坏。
- They cleaved a path through the wilderness. 他们在荒原中开辟出一条路。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- Fruit juices ferment if they are kept a long time. 果汁若是放置很久,就会发酵。
- The good they have done for me is beyond measure. 他们对我所做的好事简直无可估量。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。