- They sat round the table. 他们围桌而坐。
- They are sitting round the table. 他们正在那桌子周围坐着。
- They were all sitting round the table. 他们都坐在桌子周围。
- They sat round the talbe and made this big decision. 他们围坐在会议桌旁,作出了这个重大的决定。
- We were sitting round the table for lunch. 我们围坐在桌子旁边等着吃午饭。
- We sat round the table. 我们围桌而坐。
- They sat around the table tabling about the news. 他们曾经围桌而坐(过去的客观事实),同时,谈论着新闻。
- They sat in a circle round the fire. 他们围着火坐成一圈。
- The old men sat round the fire chatting. 老人们围坐在炉火旁聊天。
- They were all sitting round the fire. 他们正围坐在炉火旁。
- As they sat down at the table, he asked, "ow have you been? 在餐桌旁,他问道:“你怎么样?
- We can get six people round the table at a pinch. 必要时我们可以让六个人从在一桌。
- Perhaps we might as well get round the table. 我们不妨围着桌子坐。
- The letter was passed round the table. 那封信由在座的人传阅。
- She alternated boys and girls round the table. 她让男女相间围成一桌。
- They sat at the table, where a candelabra was already casting flickering gold light on the table settings. 他们坐在了桌边,桌上的大烛台早已摇曳着金色的光芒。
- He rounded the corners of the table. 他把桌角锯圆。
- They sat in the arbor and chatted over tea. 他们坐在凉亭里,边喝茶边聊天。
- They sat in the sun roasting themselves. 他们坐着晒太阳。
- The three brothers and the sister sat round the desolate breakfast table, attempting some sort of desultory consultation. 兄弟三个和妹妹围坐在黯淡凄凉的早餐桌前,扯着些没有边际的话题。