- They rushed the bill through. 他们匆促地使议案通过。
- They fought the bill through Parliament. 他们力争使该法案在国会获得通过。
- They rushed the guard at the gate. 他们向大门口的卫兵猛冲过去。
- They got the bill through Parliament. 他们于那议案在议会通过。
- Parliament voted the bill through without a debate. 国会未经辩论就投票通过了这项法案。
- They succeeded in getting the bill through. 他们已使这项议案通过了。
- They managed to set the bill through congress. 他们设法使议案在国会通过了。
- The parliament has voted the bill through. 议会已投票通过了那项议案。
- How did they push the bill through? 他们怎样使这个议案通过的?
- Parliament voted the bill through. 议会投票通过了这项法案。
- They got the bill through Congress. 他们使此议案在国会获得通过。
- In a race against the clock, they rushed the special medicine to the hospital. 在一个分秒必争的情况下,他们快速的把特别的药送到医院。
- The group tried to lobby the bill through. 这个集团企图通过游说议员通过该项法案。
- The Government raced the bill through the House. 政府使该法案在议院迅速通过。
- They forced the bill through in the Congress. 他们迫使国会通过该议案。
- How did they race the bill through? 他们是怎样使这个议案迅速通过的?
- The government is unlikely to get the bill through within (the lifetime of) this Parliament. 政府不大可能在本届国会(会期)内通过该项法案。
- They rushed the work. 他们急忙进行了这项工作。
- rush the bill through 使议案飞快地通过
- The president muscled the bill through Congress. 总统强使这个法案在国会获得通过。