- They notice more. 他们观察得更细致一些。
- What does summertime food need to notice more? 夏季饮食需要多注意什么?
- They noticed some footprints in the snow. 他们注意到雪地里的一些脚印。
- They notice a number of calls originating from Blackfoot, Montana. 他们通知了若干要求源自黑脚,蒙大拿。
- Unless they're software reviewers for a living, they don't really care about the software itself, and the more they notice it, the more annoyed they're going to be. 除非某个人软件评论员,否则他是不会关心软件本身的,因此,如果他越是关心软件本身,则意味着这软件越是让他感到恼火。
- But recently, they have grown noticeably more restrained. 但最近他们的反对表示很内敛了。
- They noticed a beautiful, slim, talkative old man. 他们遇到了一位风姿翩翩,削瘦健谈的老人。
- If you notice more than five spills within the same query plan's execution, contact your support professional. 如果您发现同一个查询计划的执行中有五个以上的溢出,请与支持人员联系。
- When asked in a survey what they notice first in a potential mate, the answer from both men and wom-en was hair. 当美国人被问及若遇到可能的伴侣,他们首先注意的是什么时,男人和女人的回答都是头发。
- You’ll notice more positive things about yourself, your own life and other things in your surroundings. 你会更多的发现存在于自己本身,自己的生活,还有自己周围的一些事物的美好的一面。
- You also want to notice more in Japan, only you health, happiness is we the biggest wish! 你们在日本也要多加注意,只要你们健康,快乐,就是我们最大的心愿!
- The first thing they noticed was that he was restless. 他们首先注意到的是他坐立不安的样子。
- What is the item that should summertime allergy skin notice most? 夏季过敏皮肤最应该注意的事项是什么?
- When asked in a survey what they notice first in a potential mate,the answer from both men and wom-en was hair. 当美国人被问及若遇到可能的伴侣,他们首先注意的是什么时,男人和女人的回答都是头发。
- Teachers must put the brakes on, as it were, when they notice students looking puzzled. 当老师发现学生神色茫然时,就应该在一定程度上放慢速度。
- In general, dogs carry noticeably more coat than bitches. 通常,公犬被毛生长要多于母犬。
- They noticed a crowd of people shouting and cheering. 他们看到一大群人在喊叫欢呼。
- Across Europe the mood has become noticeably more optimistic. 显然,所有欧洲人的心情要乐观很多。
- Speakers must put the brakes on, as it were, when they notice the audience looking puzzled. 演讲者在发现听众神色茫然时,在一定程度上,就应放慢速度。
- The top of a table that sets electromagnetism furnace wants level, should notice more when chaffy dish eats to wait on table especially. 放置电磁炉的桌面要平整,非凡是在餐桌上吃火锅等时更应注重。