- They greeted him with applause. 他们用掌声来欢迎他。
- They greeted him with many expressions of pleasure. 他们说了许多表示欢迎他的话。
- They greeted him with a shower of stones. 他们向他投掷了一阵石块。
- Luciano Zauri has pledged to win over the Fiorentina fans after they greeted him with stony silence due to past indiscretions. 面对我佛球迷因为过去的过节在见面会上的冷漠表现,扎乌里誓言要征服他们。
- She greeted him with stiff formality. 她拘谨地按礼节向他致意。
- An angry crowd greeted him with a shower of stones. 愤怒的人群向他投掷雨点般的石子。
- She greeted him with a loving kiss. 她以深情的吻迎接他。
- She greeted him with a look of gladness, shyness, and surprise. 她迎接他的神色显得既快活,又有点儿羞涩和惊奇。
- Qingwen greeted him with a smile, exclaiming, “A fine one you are! 原文一连十多个动词,在汉语句子中几占了全段的一半;
- She would greet him with a stream of good-natured abuse. 她会用一串善意的打骂来对待他。
- They greeted her speech with warm applause. 他们对她的演讲报以热烈的掌声。
- They greeted his suggestion with shouts of derision. 他们对他的建议报以一片嘲弄的喊叫声。
- They met him at Interamna [Terni], and after their clothes had been shaken in case they were carrying any weapons, they greeted him, armed as he was, with armed men standing around. 在检查过衣服以防携带武器之后,元老们在英特拉姆纳(今特尔尼)见到了全身戎装,四周有武装士兵环伺的赛维鲁,并向他致贺。
- If I meet an elder I know on the street, I will promptly clasp my hands and greet him with a bow. 在路上遇到我认识的长者,我应该要快速向前跟长者鞠躬敬礼。
- The singer's entrance was greeted with applause. 那位歌星在掌声中登场。
- The hall resounded with applause. 大厅里回荡著掌声。
- She greeted him with a smile. 她微笑著跟他打招呼。
- The manager greeted him with a warm handshake and a smile, then gave him a broom and said, “Your first job will be to sweep out the store. 经理微笑着和他热情握手,向他表示祝贺,然后递给年轻人一把扫帚说:“你的第一件工作是打扫一下商店。”
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他。
- They greeted us with yells of hate. 他们以愤恨的喊声迎接我们。