- They drove off their attackers. 他们击退了那些人的进攻。
- They drive their attackers off. 他们击退了进攻者。
- They drive off stopping at a gas station. 他们开车走了,在一个加油站停了下来。
- We discover that the reason Madagascan cockroaches hiss is because they are scared, and hope that if they can sound like snakes, they will frighten off their attackers (usually lemurs). 他们发现,马达加斯加大蟑螂之所以要嘶嘶作响,是因为他们受到惊吓,希望藉著发出像蛇的声音,可以吓走牠们的天敌(通常是狐猴)。
- As they drove off, the other two tailors, who were false-heartedenvied him his good fortune, went into the stableunscrewed the bear. 他们坐上马车走的时候,那两个阴险的裁缝,对小裁缝得到幸福十分嫉妒,就但兽棚里去,拧开老虎钳子,把熊放了出来。
- As they drove off, the other two tailors, who were false-hearted and envied him his good fortune, went into the stable and unscrewed the bear. 他们坐上马车走的时候,那两个阴险的裁缝,对小裁缝得到幸福十分嫉妒,就但兽棚里去,拧开老虎钳子,把熊放了出来。
- An instant later they were back, lifting something into the hearse. Then they drove off at high speed, wheels squealing, the gravel in the driveway flying in all directions. 片刻,他们回来了,把某样东西抬如了灵柩,然后高速开车离去。车轮发出尖叫声,车道上的石子四处飞扬。
- You easily fend off their attack and recover a Vial of Poison dropped during the scuffle. 你很容易就制服了他们并且发现了一瓶混战中掉下来的毒液瓶。
- They drove off. 他们开车离开了。
- The two other missiles struck their targets, overloaded shields, leaving their target Seraphs covered in soot, but otherwise intact. Tom could see the Seraphs wave off their attack runs. 其余两枚导弹击中目标,过载了护盾,导致六翼天使被浓烟包围,但是在其它方面完好无损。汤姆可以看出六翼天使脱离了攻击行动。
- They had once again driven off the enemy's attack. 他们又一次击退了敌人的进攻。
- They will hold off their decision until Monday. 他们将延至星期一再作决定。
- The car raised quite a dust as we drove off. 我们走时车子扬起了一阵尘土。
- The enemy are firing off their big guns; now we should attack. 敌人在发射重武器了,我们现在就得进攻。
- She drove off leaving for Shanghai. 她没马上去上海。
- They drove the enemy out of their positions. 他们把敌人逐出阵地。
- People honked their horns as they drove past. 人们开车经过时大按喇叭。
- She got in her car and drove off. 她进入汽车里把车开走了。
- The planes began their attack on the city. 飞机开始攻击这个城市。
- In the morning the enemy renewed their attack. 早晨,敌军再次发动进攻。