- They delight in fighting duels. 他们乐意决斗。
- They delight in fighting duels 他们喜欢决斗
- Later, however, they delight in parodies of nursery rhymes. 可要不了多久,他们便乐于对它进行窜改。
- They delight in well-designed products - even if not made by their own company.They loathe poorly-designed products - even if made by their own company. 他们为设计好的产品而自豪--甚至不是他们自己公司设计.;他们厌恶那些设计低俗的产品--尽管是他们自己公司设计的。
- AMERICANS like to think of themselves as martyrs to work. They delight in telling stories about their punishing hours, snatched holidays and ever-intrusive BlackBerrys. 美国人总喜欢自诩自己为工作奉献一切。他们对自己饱受折磨的工作时间、被挤榨的假期以及时不时打扰黑莓手机津津乐道。
- They have counseled only to thrust him down from his high position; They delight in falsehood; They bless with their mouth, But inwardly they curse. Selah. 他们彼此商议,专要从他的尊位上把他推下。他们喜爱谎话。口虽祝福,心却咒诅。(细拉)
- They delight in travels. 他们喜欢旅行。
- Peter seems to delight in other people suffer. 看来彼得是以他人的痛苦为乐。
- Cruel and heartless, they delighted in war and died in endless struggle. 他们残忍无情,尚武好战,最终在无止尽的战争中消亡。
- He takes great delight in proving others wrong. 他的极大乐趣是证实别人错了。
- The soldier was a tiger in fight. 那士兵作战勇猛。
- She finds delight in teasing her younger sister. 她以逗弄妹妹为乐。
- She takes delight in teasing her younger sister. 她以逗弄妹妹为乐。
- He takes great delight in painting. 他爱好绘画。
- In fighting the flood, they worked hard around the clock for. 他们与洪水搏斗奋战了三天三夜。
- He is destroyed two teeth in fighting. 他在打架中被打掉两颗牙。
- They clearly take a perverted delight in watching others suffer. 他们在看别人受罪时显然得到一种病态的快感。
- Let us unite in fighting poverty and disease . 让我们协力来克服贫穷和疾病。
- More than anything they delighted in riddles, and these pleased the countrymen, whose minds were stored with old quips and jests, for this happened in days when there were few books, and riddle-telling was the winter' s pastime. 他们最喜欢的事是猜谜语。 乡下人都爱猜谜语,因为在那个年代里不太有书本可读,所以在冬天就以讲谜语来消磨时光。 四兄弟脑袋里装满了俏皮话和笑话。
- They delighted in being together, doing things together and sharing together.Both the Martians and the Venusians forgot that they are from different planets, and supposed to be different. 他们愉快地共同生活,一起工作,同甘共苦,他们都忘了彼此来自不同的星球,忘了本应具有的差异。