- They amend him to death. 他们说“阿们”送他归天。
- They clubbed him to death with their rifles. 他们用枪托将他打死。
- They bound him to a stake and burned him to death . 他们将他绑在火刑桩上,将他烧死。
- They threatened to baton him to death. 他们声言要揍死他。
- They bound him to a stake and burned him to death. 他们将他绑在火刑桩上,将他烧死。
- David Sumner: They'll beat him to death. 他们会把他打死的。
- A bull, finding a lion's whelp asleep, gore him to death with his horn. 一只公牛发现一只狮子的幼兽在睡觉,便用角把它抵死了。
- They very thought of looking out the windows scares him to death. 他们仅仅想从窗户往外看,把他吓个半死。
- The horse trampled him to death. 马把他踩死了。
- A military tribunal condemned him to death. 军事法庭判他死刑。
- I will starve him to death, the son of a dragon. 我要饿死他,这魔鬼的儿子。
- From time to time you will condemn him to death. 你可以审判它,不时地判处它死刑。
- When you're on a date, don't talk him to death. 约会的时候,不要讲话太多。
- This implied condemn-ing him to death. 这意味着判他死刑。
- When you re on a date, don t talk him to death. 我注意到有些女孩子太爱讲话了。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- A bull, finding a lion's whelp asleep, gored him to death with his horns. 一只公牛发现一只狮子的幼兽在睡觉,便用角把它抵死了。
- The judge advised him to amend his way of living. 法官劝告他改变生活方式。
- Cowboy stories bore him to death,but he likes mysteries. 牛仔的故事使他烦透了, 不过他喜欢神秘的故事。
- Theseus wrenched the club from his hands and battered him to death. 塞修斯从他手中夺过大棒,把他打死。