- They all believe in communism. 他们都相信共产主义。
- It has become a talk for teatime and dinner time.Although very people believe in Buddhism in that area but they all believed that this is definitely karma. 虽然当地信佛的人很少,但每个参与聊天的人,口里都会说一句:“活该,这是报应啊!”
- We all believed in her prediction. 我们都相信她的预言。
- These are principles which we all believe in. 这就是我们信仰的原则。
- Do you advocate, taught or believe in Communism? 你是否相信或信奉共产主义?
- They all believed that I was a man in the confidence of Alice. 他们都相信我是一个知道艾丽斯之秘密的人。
- We all believe in good,free education for our children. 我们都相信对我们孩子们的良好的、自由的教育。
- They all laughed at Ann when she said she believed in the goshts. 安说她相信有鬼,大家都笑话她。
- Our Party believes in communism. 我党信仰共产主义。
- They all believed that he had a slim chance of success. 他们都认为他成功的可能性很小。
- Of all ages, geomantic omen is always embraced by people, form royal palace to ordinary people's apartment; they all believe this kind of philosophy. 古往今来,“堪舆学”素为国人所信奉,大到皇家宫殿、贵显府邸,小到平民瓦房,皆信为天道且遁之而行,以纳天地之灵气,日月之精华,富乐祥和,人贵体安。
- I do not at all believe in human freedom in the philosophical sense. 我根本就不相信哲学所谓的人的自由。
- As we are all created by the flame of soul - innately we all believe in magic. 因为我们全都是被灵魂的火焰创造-天生我们全都相信魔法。
- They all joined in singing the Christmas carols. 他们一起唱圣诞颂歌。
- They all believed firmly in the Christian religion and the important place of the church in directing society. 他们都笃信基督教,相信教会在指导社会方面的重要作用。
- We believe in communism,and our ideal is to bring it into being. It is for the realization of communism that we have struggled for so many years. 我们多年奋斗就是为了共产主义,我们的信念理想就是要搞共产主义。
- They all cooed over the new baby. 他们对着新生婴儿爱抚地轻声细语。
- We believe in communism, and our ideal is to bring it into being. It is for the realization of communism that we have struggled for so many years. 我们多年奋斗就是为了共产主义,我们的信念理想就是要搞共产主义。
- But though holding differing views, they all believed that it was to him alone that they must look for the attainment of their spiritual goal. 尽管是持有不同的观点,但他们都认为他是独一无二的,他们必须期待达到自己的灵性目标。
- They are credulous people who believe in the advertisement. 他们是一些轻信广告的人。