- Simon: These postcards are great! 这些明信片真棒!
- Simon:These postcards are great! 西蒙:这些明信片是大的!
- These postcards are great. 这些明信片非常好.
- These are great shoes for muddy weather. 这种鞋在雨天泥泞的地上走最合适。
- These postcards belong to Daniel not me. They are not mine. 这些明信片属于丹尼尔,不属于我,它们不是我的。
- These portraits are great pieces of paint. 这肖像画都是艺术精品。
- I see from the postmark that this postcard was mailed from New York. 从邮戳上可以看出,这张明信片是从纽约寄来的。
- These books are great favorites with the children. 孩子们特别喜欢这些书。
- These books are great favourites of mine. 这些是我最喜爱的书。
- Boy: Come on, these are great maps! 男孩:买吧,多好的地图啊。
- Postcards are one of the most time-honored ways to reach customers directly. 明信片是直接送达客户的历史最悠久的方式之一。
- Mountain bicycles are great on pot-holed city streets. 登山自行车很适合凹凹坑坑的城市街道。
- Chinese Pagoda. The postcard was posted in 1911. 中国的宝塔。该明信片1911年邮寄过。
- It was great agony to watch him passing away. 看着他死去是极大的痛苦。
- These biscuits are great favourites with the children. 孩子们特别喜欢这种饼干。
- A postcard be enclosed for your convenience In request further Information . 为了使您从我们这里取得更进一步信息,随信附去明信片一张备用。
- Libraries are great complexes of tiny items. 图书馆是细小类目的大综合体。
- The city's bright lights, theatres, films, etc, are great attractions. 城市的华灯,戏院,电影等等是十分吸引人的东西。
- These little things are great to little men.---- O.Goldsmith. 小人总是把些小事弄的很大。
- There have been great advances in medicine in the last ten years. 在过去十年里,医学取得了巨大的进步。