- These crops have been sprayed. 作物已喷过农药
- Most viruses used in pest control programs have been sprayed. 大部分用于控制害虫的病毒都是直接喷射到农作物上的。
- The crops had been beaten down by the storm. 庄稼被暴风雨打倒了。
- The crops had been gathered in with the reapers. 庄稼是用收割机收割的。
- The table has been sprayed with black paint. 桌子喷上了黑漆。
- Many high-yielding crops have been found to be particularly susceptible to insects and pathogens. 人们发现许多高产作物对害虫和病原菌特别敏感。
- Their whole crop had been blasted by a late frost. 一场晚霜把他们的庄稼全毁了。
- In autumn, when the crops have been laid by, there is a lull in the work on the farms. 秋天里庄稼收割以后农场有一段空闲时间。
- The wall of the house had been sprayed with white paint. 房子的墙都已喷上了白色的涂料。
- In Thailand, the main crops where the agricultural technology is well applied, are soybean, maize and rice. The productivity to these crops have improved significantly. 通常,在农业技术应用良好的地区,主要作物是玉米、大豆和水稻。其生产力都已得到显著改善。
- After the wheat crop has been gathered, many farmers burn the remains and plough the ash into the soil, so as to enrich it. 小麦收割完成后,农夫们把剩余物烧掉,然后用犁把灰埋入地里,使土地更肥沃。
- The front of the house had been sprayed with white paint. 房子的正面已喷上了白漆。
- In autumn,when the crops have been laid by,there is a lull in the work on the farms. 秋天里庄稼收割以后,农场有一段空闲时间。
- The wheat crop had been safely gathered in before the storm came. 暴风雨来到之前小麦已经收割好了。
- After all, crops have been selectively bred safely for decades to bring out certain traits. 毕竟在过去的几十年中一直在采用选择性繁殖使农作物产生新的性状而没有产生任何问题。
- So far crops have been destroyed, roads submerged and transportation slowed to a near standstill. 迄今为止,庄稼被毁,道路被淹,交通也是几乎停滞。
- The wheat crop had been gathered in before the storm came. 暴风雨到来之前小麦已经收完了。
- The crop has been grown for many years on these soils on the residual nitrogen present in the soil from the native, leguminous vegetation. 在这种土壤里已经种植多年高粱了,依靠天然和豆科植物残存于土壤中的氮养分。
- The last of these rows seems to have been the last straw. 这场口角看来是彻底破裂的导火线。
- Oil-bearing crops have also registered marked increases. 油料作物的产量也有了明显的增长。