- These companies are not alone. 这样做的公司为数不少。
- But Britain and its companies are not alone in spotting opportunity in Libya: French, Italian and indeed American firms are all courting Mr Qaddafi. 但英国及国内企业并不是在利比亚国土上挖掘机遇的独行侠:法国,意大利和美国的公司也都在向卡扎菲大献殷勤。
- But these breeds are not alone -- the Parvovirus can affect all breeds. 但是这些犬类并不是单独的,因为细小病毒可以影响所有的犬类。
- "We would like these companies to survive, but they are not goanna survive. 我希望这些公司幸存下来,但他们不是巨蜥生存。
- These companies are never blinded by their own success . 这些公司从来不会被胜利冲昏头脑。
- You are not alone there. I have that trouble too. 不是你一个人这么倒霉的。我也有这种麻烦事呢。
- The oil producers are not alone in their plight. 然而陷入困境的并不只是石油生产国。
- Dubai and its rulers are not alone. 并不是只有迪拜及其统治者有这种愿望。
- We are not alone in the fight against polio. 然而在对抗小儿痲痹症的战役我们并不孤单。
- But some of these companies are re onding to needs of poor countries. 不过,有些公司已开始对贫穷国家的需要做出反应。
- These companies are leaders in their markets with highly-defensible positions. 这些被投资的公司还需具有稳定现金流及长期增长趋势,并且在他们所处的市场中占居领先和高度防御的地位。
- Commence battle. We are not alone! 开始战斗!我们不是孤独的!
- The profits of these two companies are not comparable with each other. 这两个公司的利润相互之间没有可比性。
- These companies are certainly sitting on a reassuring amount of oil.Saudi Aramco's proved reserves alone could keep the world supplied for several decades. 这些公司的储备足可以证明一切顾虑都是杞人忧天,单是沙特石油公司一家的储备就可以保证整个世界踏踏实实的用上几十年。
- Private corporations, foreign or domestic, are not alone. 私营公司,不论是外国的还是本国的,都不是孤立的。
- Are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for? 如果受贿的官员不鹦鹉学舌般地复述这些公司的看法,那他们所接受的钱又能用于什么目的呢?
- Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone Another day has gone? 又一日过往怎会如此?
- Incremental revenues are only one reason these companies are taking the plunge into cross-media ad sales. 增量收入是这些公司在多媒体广告销售上赴汤蹈火的唯一理由。
- Encyclopedia publishers are not alone in facing the wiki challenge. 受到维基百科冲击的还不止是百科全书的出版商。
- This can be positively maddening in countries whose taxes these companies are trying to escape. 在许多国家,公司利用海外注册来避税的情况越来越普遍。