- There ensued a pause. 跟着一阵静默。
- And after long heedlessness there ensued a panic. 她又一次溜走,离家出走,飞往异国他乡了。
- There ensued a partial restoration of productive activity. 接着,生产活动得到了部分恢复。
- The Turks, who were out of ammunition, affixed their bayonets and attacked the enemy and there ensued a terrible hand to hand combat. 烈士们的尸体,做着各种各样的姿势,有抱住敌人腰的,有抱住敌人头的,有卡住敌人脖子,把敌人捺倒在地上的,和敌人倒在一起,烧在一起。
- There was a pause before she began to speak again. 她停顿一下又开始说话。
- There was a pause in the talk when Mary came in. 玛丽进来时,谈话停顿了一下。
- Want Pause-indicates if there is to be a pause. Want Pause -- 指示是否会有一个暂停。
- There was a pause, then Myers came on again. 间歇之后玛雅又上场了。
- And after long heedlessness there ensued a panic.26quot; 她又一次溜走,离家出走,飞往异国他乡了。
- Again, there ensues a loud and savage battle in the alley and again the Manc emerges unscathed, taunting the Liverpudlians."Pah, one United fan is as good as twenty Scousers. 街区里又一次发生了吵闹、凶狠的打斗,可是曼彻斯特人还是完好无事地出现了,嘲笑说:"呸,一个曼联球迷比20个利物浦人还厉害。"
- He made a pause to pick up a shell. 他停下来拾起一只贝壳。
- A pause followed this apparently pointless remark. 这句似乎没有什么意义的话说完之后,大家沉默了一会。
- She spoke for an hour without a pause. 她不停地讲了一小时.
- The dash is used in writing to show a pause. 在写作上破折号用来表示停顿。
- There ensued a general stir and upheaval, a great shuffling of feet and movement of heads, much coughing and blowing of noses; 随后一阵激烈的骚动,一阵乱哄哄的挪动脚步和晃动脑袋,一阵爆炸似的咳嗽和擤鼻涕声;
- After a pause they both heartily congratulated me. 沉默了片刻,他们便都热烈地向我祝贺。
- He made a pause and then went on reading. 他停顿了一下,然后又读下去。
- Dash An one em rule to mark a pause in a sentence. 在句子内表示停顿的长度。
- After a pause the audience broke into cheers. 短暂的沉静后,听众突然爆发出欢呼声
- A pause or separation; a caesura. 停顿或隔开;中止