- There comes the bus, let us hurry. 公共汽车来了,我们快点。
- There comes the bus. 公车来了。
- There comes the bus! 瞧,公共汽车来了!
- Look , there comes the bus . 瞧,车来了。
- Wang Ping- Yes. Here comes the bus. 王平: 对,你们看,车已经进站了。
- Look out! There comes the train! 当心!火车来了!/看外面!火车来了!
- Blast it, there came the man again! 见鬼,那个人又来了!
- Suddenly there came the faint sound of a bell . 突然传来了微弱的铃声。
- There came the 2 P.M. knock on the door. 下午两点钟来客的敲门声响了。
- Suddenly there came the faint sound of a bell. 突然传来了微弱的铃声。
- And there comes the Land Resumption Act! 一招土地收回条例,便可强抢你家园!
- Here comes the bus, so I point it out to my classmates. 车来了,我指给我的同学看。
- Here comes the bus, packed with sweating passengers. 公共汽车来了;挤满了汗流浃背的乘客.
- There came the blare of a brass band. 那里传来了铜管乐队的吹奏声。
- There comes the portor when she was worring about how to handle the luggage. 她正愁着怎么拿行李,恰巧来了个搬运工人。
- With the democratization of government, there comes the educatoin reformation. 随着政府的民主化,也兴起一片教育改革声浪。
- They managed to squash forty people into the bus. 那辆公共汽车好不容易塞进了四十个人。
- He jumped onto the bus just as it was pulling away. 正当公共汽车开动时他跳上了车。
- She got on the bus and picked a seat up front. 她上了公车,找了个最前面的座位。
- Presently there came the click of high-heeled shoes. 高跟皮鞋声阁阁地传了过来。