- Their odds are not good. 他们的胜算不大。
- The omens for their future success are not good. 他们未来成功的预兆不祥。
- The little boy was not good at arithmetic. 这个小男孩算术不太好。
- Spirituous liquors are not good for patients. 病人不宜饮用含酒精的饮料。
- I am not good at organic chemistry. 我的有机化学学得不好。
- Your son's behaviors really are not good enough. 你儿子的行为实在不好。
- To speak plainly, you are not good enough for her. 说实话,你配不上她。
- Women are often described to be not good as men. 女人常常被描写成不如男人。
- He was not good at business and it soon came a howler. 他不擅长做生意,不久就失败了。
- Actually, company sales are not good. 事实上,公司的销售状况并不好。
- All metals are not good conductors. 不是所有的金属都是良导体。
- That speech. These two days moods are not good. 还是那句话.;这两天心情不好
- These berries are not good to eat. 这些莓子不好吃。
- His odds are very poor after he sprained his wrist. 他扭伤了手腕,获胜的可能性极小。
- The odds are five to one on that horse. 那匹马的赔率是五比一。
- If I do things I think they are not good enough. 假如我做了事情,我就会认为没把它们做好。
- All these metals are not good conductors. 所有这些金属都不是良导体。
- The odds are on the visiting team. 客队占优势。
- Yesterday's solutions are not good enough. 之前的解决方案不够好。
- The odds are that we won't get a baby-sitter. 很可能我们找不到照看孩子的人。