- Their boat swamped in the storm. 他们的船在风浪的冲击下沉没了。
- Their boat swamped. 他们的船被淹没了。
- The situation necessitated the abandonment of their boat. 这种情况迫使他们放弃他们的船。
- A sudden strong wind capsize their boat. 突然一阵强风弄翻了他们的船。
- Their boat has finished rigging. 他们的船已装备就绪。
- The rough water overturned their boat. 大浪打翻了他们的船。
- They had to ease the speed of their boat . 他们不得不减低船速。
- During the journey, their boat began to sink. 途中他们的小船开始下沉。
- The hurricane flung their boat upon the rocks. 飓风把他们的小船抛到岩石上。
- They paddle their boat up the river. 他们划着小船往上游去了。
- They had to ease the speed of their boat. 他们不得不减低船速。
- However, they lose their boat in a storm. 然而,在一次暴风雨中他们失去了渔船。
- They offered their boat for sale for 2000 dollars. 他们把船拿来出售,索价2000美元。
- We brought our boat alongside their boat. 我们把船靠在他们那条船旁边。
- The strong wind impelled their boat to shore. 强风把他们的船吹到岸边。
- The fishermen are putting on their boat. 渔民们正在装船。
- Their boat was upset, end over end. 他们的船翻了。
- He had just got up to their boat when a strong wind hit them. 他刚好挨近他们的船,这时刮来了一阵狂风。
- They were winning the boat race until their boat ran aground on a sandbank. 船在沙滩上搁浅之前,他们在划船比赛中一直是领先的。
- When the alarm rings passengers and crew will assemble at their boat station. 警报响时,旅客与船员将在救生艇位置上集合。