- Their Majesties have arrived. 国王与王后陛下已驾到.
- Their Majesties have arrive d. 国王与王后陛下已驾到.
- * Their Majesties have arrived. 国王与王后陛下已驾到 .
- He ought to have arrived there by now. 他现在应该已经到那里了。
- Their Majesties will open the new bridge today. 国王和王后陛下今天将为新桥落成剪彩。
- She will have arrived at the cinema before the film starts. 在电影放映之前她就会到达电影院了。
- Tell your mother you have arrived here without mishap. 告诉你母亲你已经平平安安到达这里。
- Their Majesties the king and Queen opened the new school yesterday. 国王和王后陛下昨天主持了新建学校的开学典礼。
- Is your work going for ward now that the material have arrived? 现在材料已经运到,你的工作有进展了吗?
- They should have arrived in Beijing by this time. 他们这个时候该到北京了。
- Their Majesty will open the new bridge today. 国王和王后陛下今天将为新桥通车典礼剪彩。
- The family would have arrived on time, but they met up with a flat tire. 要不是因为在路上坏了一只车胎他们一家人是会准时赶到的。
- A bulky parcel from China has arrived. 从中国来的大包裹已经到了。
- But for the storm, we should have arrived earlier. 要是没有碰到暴雨,我们还会早到一些的。
- My son has arrived at school age. 我儿子已到上学年龄。
- We received information that you had arrived. 我们得到了你已抵达的消息。
- So many refugees have arrived that the camps have reached saturation point. 来了那么多的难民,营房都饱和了。
- Their Majesties the King and the Queen always concern their people, that why almost every Thai people love Them. 唔系剩系泰国人,咩人都系应该"每做每一件事都要谂清楚先好做呀"!!
- But for the storm,we should have arrived earlier. 要是没有碰到暴雨,我们还会早到一些的。
- I love to talk with my people of their Majesties, the princesses, and the Chinese ladies, as I have seen and known them. 我喜欢同我的朋友们谈论中国的皇帝、皇后、太后、格格和福晋等,把我的所见所闻讲给他们听。