- The soldiers march in step. 战士们迈着整齐的步伐行进。
- The soldiers marched in line one after another. 士兵们列队前进。
- The soldiers march on arm in arm. 战士们手挽手向前进。
- When the soldiers passed the reviewing stand,they were in step. 士兵们齐步通过检阅台。
- When the soldiers passed the reviewing stand, they were in step. 士兵们齐步通过检阅台。
- The soldiers marched along the highway. 部队沿公路而行。
- The soldiers marched along the street. 士兵们行进在街道上。
- We watch the soldiers marching down the street. 我们观看士兵在街上行进。
- The soldiers marched by the reviewing stand. 士兵们从检阅台前齐步走过。
- The soldiers are marching in a perfect formation. 士兵们正以整齐的队形行进。
- I found myself marching in step with the music. 我发现我在踏着音乐的节拍行走。
- The soldiers marched twenty mils with ease. 士兵们轻松的前进了20英里.
- After the soldiers march all night. They're dead on their feet. 士兵们整夜行军后筋疲力尽。
- After the soldiers march all night, they are dead on their feet. 士兵们整夜行军后筋疲力尽。
- The soldiers are marching in a perfect.formation. 士兵们正以整齐的队形行进。
- Singing songs, the troops are marching in step over the horizon. 部队唱着歌,迈着整齐的步伐向远方前进。
- We must combat individualism so as to enable us to march in step and fight for one common goal. 我们要反对个人主义。
- The soldiers marched along the road. 战士们沿着马路行进。
- The soldiers kept in stet in step until they reached the foot of the mountain. 战士们齐步走到山脚下。
- The soldiers went past on the march. 士兵们以行军的步伐走了过去。