- The sickly girl just dosed. 得病的女孩刚服过药。
- The sickly girl bloomed suddenly. 那个体弱的女孩突然焕发了青春。
- The fact just dose not support that argument . 事实根本不能为那个论点提供证据。
- That guy have good karma, so the girls just like to spend time with him. 那男孩有好运,所以女孩们都喜欢跟他在一起。
- The fact just dose not support that argument. 事实根本不能为那个论点提供证据。
- The beautiful girl just arrived at puberty. 这个美丽的姑娘情窦初开。
- Girls just love hanging out in the bathroom. 女孩子喜欢在洗手间里磨蹭。
- I saw you smooching/kiss that girl just outside my window. 我看到你我的窗外亲那个女孩喔.
- I saw you smooching that girl just outside myjindow. 我看到你我的窗外亲那个女孩喔.
- I saw you smooching that girl just outside my window. 我看到你我的窗外亲那个女孩喔。
- I saw you smooching with that girl just outside my window. 我看到你在窗外亲那个女孩。
- He just doses out aspirin to everybody. 他只会配阿斯匹灵给每一个人。
- Every prior economic expansion since World War II has lifted all boats even the recovery in the sickly 70's. 自从二次世界大战以来,以前每次经济复苏,即令在颇不景气的70年代复原以后,都能使所有人受惠。
- He spoke almost poetically about physics and music with her, called her his Dolly and fathered her illegitimate child a sickly girl who may have died in infancy or been given up for adoption. 他几乎是用诗的语言和她谈论物理音乐,把她称为自己的洋娃娃,而且抚养未婚生下的多病女孩,否则这孩子可能生下后不久就夭折,也许被他们遗弃了。
- That guy has good karma, so the girls just like to spend time with him. 那男孩有好运,所以女孩们都喜欢跟他在一起。
- They may have to let their currencies rise against the sickly greenback, meaning they will need to buy fewer dollars. 他们可能不得不让本国的货币升值以抵御无力的货币支持,这意味着他们将需要较少的美元。
- "You girls just try to outdo each other," he said. “你们这些女人们只是一个想压倒另一个,”他说。
- It is very unwise for the girl to marry him. 这女孩嫁给他是很不明智的。
- The main culprit was the sickly housing market: although consumer spending has held up better than expected, the construction of homes has collapsed. 罪魁祸首是病态的房地产市场:虽然消费者的花费支撑好于预期,房屋的结构已经崩溃了。
- With poverty came sickness. He grew sallow: his face took on the sickly colour of a brass drum and even the whites of his eyes became yellow. 在穷底结果的病以后,全身便变成枯黄色,脸孔黄的和小铜鼓一样,连眼白也黄了。