- The militia was stood down. 民兵已奉命解除警戒状态。
- Several of the proud mothers of members of the militia were standing close by and overheard the remark. 有几位民兵队员的自命不凡的母亲紧靠着站在旁边,听见了媚兰的这句评语。
- The troops (were) stood down: it was a false alarm. 部队解除了戒备状态,原来是虚惊一场。
- The militia were called out to guard the borderland. 召集民兵保卫边疆。
- He was ready to stand down so that his friend might be nominated for the post. 他准备退出竞选,以便使他的朋友被提名为这个职位的侯选人。
- The men were stood down. 士兵接命令休息。
- Fishing boats were standing down with the ebb. 渔船趁着落潮出航。
- I guarded the fortifications where the militia were ready to destroy the enemy more effectively. 我民兵分别把守在工事里,准备更有效地消灭敌人。
- The witness was asked to stand down. 这个证人被要求放弃出庭。
- Halberd Militia are townsfolk who have been levied into the militia to guard their settlements. 长戟民兵从富裕市民中徵召,编练成军以保卫自己的城邑。
- "Is the militia really going to be called out? "难道民兵真的要调出去?
- Around 0800hrs the US positions [in the airport area] were attacked by the militia forces probably from among the local population. The militia was dispersed by tank and APC fire. 大约8点时,美军在机场地区的阵地收到可能是来自当地居民的民兵武装的攻击。民兵被坦克和装甲运兵车的火力驱散。
- The President has stood down after five years in office. 总统执政五年後已经引退。
- Bad children will be stood in the comer in shame. 坏孩子要站在角落里罚站。
- We joined the militia and got ready to fight. 我们和民兵汇合,准备战斗。
- A salesman was standing in the door. 一个推销员站在门口。
- If the slump continues, more men will be stood off. 如果经济萧条持续下去,将有更多的人被解雇。
- The militia practise two or three times a week. 民兵每周训练两三次。
- The moon faces to looking at me in the lake, the orison that I am devout, let these days do not let up, has been standing down thus. 月亮在湖面看着我,我虔诚的祈祷,让这些日子不要停息,一直这样走下去。
- The sentry stood down at 6 a. m. 哨兵在上午六时下岗。