- The yardstick of art design 艺术设计中的尺度问题
- I make and I sell soap. The yardstick of civilization. 我制造和销售肥皂。(递名片)这些可是文明的产物。
- I make and I sell soap ?the yardstick of civilization. “我制造并销售香皂,文明的尺度。”
- Your equity curve is the yardstick of your performance. 你的资金曲线是衡量你成绩的标准。
- The concept art design is the whole soul of item. 概念概念艺术设计是整个项目的灵魂。
- Is money the only yardstick of success? 金钱是衡量成功与否的唯一标准吗?
- It is neither proper nor feasible for any country to judge other countries by the yardstick of its own mode or to impose its own mode on others. 拿自己的模式作标准,去评判其他国家,把自己的模式强加于人,既不恰当,也根本行不通。
- He has many friends in the world of art. 他在艺术界有很多朋友。
- Profit is not the only yardstick of success. 利润并不是衡量成功的唯一尺度。
- Money is often the yardstick of what we choose to learn and what we choose to ignore. 该学习什么,不学习什么,往往都要拿到金钱的天平来衡量。
- The human political life should follow the yardstick of Truth, as well as that of Good and Beauty. 人类政治生活既要遵循真的尺度,同时也必须遵循警的和美的尺度。
- Johannes Itten( 1888-1967) is the early proponent for the creation of the basic courses of art design as well as the first chief lecturer of Bauhaus basic courses. 约翰尼斯·伊顿(Johannes Itten 1888-1967)是艺术设计基础课程设立的早期建议者,也是包豪斯学院“基础课程”的第一任主持者。
- The city contains schools of art, law, medicine and science. 城里有艺术学校、法律学校、医科以及理工科学校。
- Durability is one yardstick of quality. 耐久性是质量好坏的一个尺度。
- As a commercial art design,modern packaging design conveys the aesthetic appreciation of art design and achieves the aesthetic realm of its products as well. 现代包装设计作为一门商业性的艺术设计,在传播艺术设计审美信息的同时,又使其所包装的产品与社会生活审美达到理想的境界。
- The Chinese people cherish great hatred for corruption and judge the quality of their government by the yardstick of impartiality and justice. 我国人民痛恨腐败,以公平和公正来评价政府的质量。
- Xujin, born in 1976, Han nationality, and graduates from the Postgraduates Class of Upholstering Art Design of Art Academy of Central University for Nationalities in 2004. 徐进1976年生。汉族,2004年毕业于中央民族大学美术学院装潢艺术设计研究生班。
- In the west, it can be dated back to as early as ancient Greek times, when Protagoras originally put forward: "human is the yardstick of everything". 在西方,最早可以追溯到古希腊时期,普罗泰戈拉就曾提出:“人是万物的尺度”。
- The art design of the summary is the integration of art, science and technology, integration and interdiscipline quality are its essential characteristic. 艺术设计是艺术、科学和技术的融合,集成性和跨学科性是它的本质特征。
- The right of a people to decide their own destiny, to make their way in freedom, is not to be measured by the yardstick of colour or degree of social development. 一个民族决定自己的命运,自由地走自己的路的权利,是不能用肤色或社会发展程度等尺度来衡量的。