- The wound began to matter. 伤口开始化脓。
- The wind began to wake waves upon the sea. 风开始在海上激起波涛。
- The wind began to moan and rise again. 大风呼啸,大雨重降,
- The wind began to set in at noon. 中午时风开始向岸上吹了。
- As the boat moved down the river the wind began to fill the sails. 船顺河而下,风逐渐胀满了帆。
- The wind began to build and the sleet to blow about. 风开始大起来了,雨雪四处飞扬。
- The blood around the wound began to coagulate, slowing the loss of blood. 伤口边的血开始凝结,减缓了血液的流失。
- Wind began to pipe around the tall building. 风在高层建筑四周呼啸起来。
- The snows they melt the soonest when the winds begin to sing. 当风轻柔地吹过时;雪快速融化.
- The wind rose and the clouds began to gather. 风起云涌。
- Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl, Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl. 远处,一只野猫在低声吼叫,两个骑马的人渐行渐近,狂风怒号。
- The wound began to fester. 伤口开始化脓。
- Outside, the wind began to howl. It shook the window frames, causing the paper pasted over the wooden latticework to cry out dismally. 风开始在外面怒吼,猛烈地摇撼着窗户,把窗格上糊的纸吹打得凄惨地叫。
- The sky clouded over and a cold wind began to blow. 天上阴云密布,开始刮起冷风来了。
- However we got well in again, tho' with a great deal of labour, and some danger; for the wind began to blow pretty fresh in the morning; but particularly we were all very hungry.. 最后;我们费了很大的劲;冒了很大的危险;才平安抵岸;因为;那天早晨风很大;而且我们大家都快饿坏了。
- The wound in his arm has begun to close up. 他肩膀上的伤口开始收口了。
- That which was our present comfort, and all the comfort we had, was, that contrary to our expectation the ship did not break yet, and that the master said the wind began to abate. 这时,船没有像我们所担心的那样被撞得粉碎,同时风势也渐渐减弱,使我们稍感安慰。
- His every wound began to burn like fire. 他身上每处伤口都疼得火烧火燎。
- The next day seemed to be a flawless copy of the first until they sat down to dinner and they heard the wind begin to howl like a banshee. 接下来的一天就像是前一天的毕真拷贝,只是当他们坐下来吃晚饭时,忽然听到开始刮风,
- The wind began to build. 风力开始增大。