- The wood is held in position by a clamp. 木头用钳夹固定住了。
- The wood is rotten. 这木头糟了。
- The wood is so rotten you can put your finger through it. 木头已经朽了,用手指一戳竟是一个窟窿。
- The wood is manufactured into fine cabinetwork. 木材被制成精细的家具。
- The sponge is soft, but the wood is hard. 海绵是软的,但木头是硬的。
- The sponge is soft,but the wood is hard. 海绵是软的,但木头是硬的。
- The wood is so dry the screws don't bite. 这根木头太干了,所以螺丝钉都拧不进去。
- As the wood is wet, it won't catch fire. 木头是湿的,点不着。
- If the wood is wet, it will not burn. 如果这木头是湿的,就不能着火了。
- The wood is broken up into short lengths. 木头被劈成一小段一小段的。
- The wood is fine textured and straight grained. 木材质地精良、纹路笔直。
- If the wood is wet,it will not burn. 如果这木头是湿的,就不能着火了。
- As the wood is wet,it won't catch fire. 木头是湿的,点不着。
- The wood is so dry that the screws do not bite . 这根木头太干了,所以螺丝钉都拧不进去。
- The wood is full of pits and needs sanding. 这木料上到处是凹坑, 需用砂纸打磨一下。
- The thermal conductivity of the wood is poor. 木头的导热性很差。
- The wood is too soft for making furniture. 这种木料松, 做家具不合适。
- Walking in the woods is a good form of exerclse. 在森林里散步是一种很好的运动方式。
- The wood is splintered and broken from the blows. 窗户上边的木头已经被他敲碎了。
- Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. 情况很糟。