- The whole cells of R. 直接将霉菌R.
- GC analysis of fatty acid from the whole cell of Salmonella in the food 食品中沙门菌细胞脂肪酸组分的气相色谱分析
- Everybody in the whole cell block Was dancin to the jailhouse rock. 循环练习:踏板运动+哑铃推举 踏板训练 对象:年纪大,肺功能较弱人士。
- The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打乱了全部安排。
- He runs the whole gamut of dissipation. 他干尽了放荡的事儿。
- The new car was the pride of the whole family. 新汽车是全家人引以自豪之物。
- The optical system of the eye stimulate cell of the retina. 眼睛的视觉系统刺激视网膜内的细胞。
- The guard of honor headed up the whole parade. 仪仗队走在游行队伍的最前头。
- News of the Queen's visit set the whole town astir. 女王到访的消息轰动全城。
- Inliving NRK cells, AChE protein located in ER, and in apoptotic cells, AChEdistributed over the whole cell. 用共聚焦显微镜观察 AChE 的细胞定位,观察到正常 NRK细胞中 AChE 定位于内质网上,而在凋亡的细胞中 AChE 分布于整个细胞。
- The effect of r rays was subtracted in all cases. 在所有的情形下,都已扣除r射线的效应。
- Man is a microcosm of the whole of mankind. 人是全人类的缩影。
- Method Ion currents of rabbit ventricular myocyte were recorded using the whole cell patch clamp technique. 方法应用全细胞膜片钳技术记录兔心室肌单个细胞的电流。
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- He reported on the whole event to the minister. 他把整个事件向部长做了汇报。
- I am sick of the whole business. 我对这件事实在感到厌烦了。
- CHIP induced extensive delay of the progression through the whole cell cycle of EAC, especially the progression from G_1 to S phase. CHIP还能引起细胞周期进程的广泛延缓,尤其以G_1-S阻缓最为明显。
- She spent the whole of the year in hospital. 她住院住了整整一年了。
- Bees store honey in the cells of a honeycomb. 蜜蜂将花蜜储存在蜂巢的各个小蜂窝中。
- We found no keratohyaline granulesin in cytoplasm and the whole cell is homogeneous.nucleir heterchromatin is flourished. 细胞质中几乎看不到任何角质化颗粒,整个细胞均质状。