- The wheelbarrow has one wheel. 独轮手推车有一个轮子。
- The teeth of one wheel engage with those of the other. 一只轮子上的轮齿与另一只的相啮合。
- The rhinoceros has one horn on its nose. 犀牛鼻子上有一个角。
- The teeth of one wheel engaged with those of the other. 一只轮子的齿与另一只轮子的齿相齿合。
- Phyl got one wheel of the pram caught in something. 菲儿推的婴儿车有一个轮子被什么东西夹住了。
- The firm's payroll has one field for gross pay and one for net pay. 公司工资单上一部分是原工资,一部分是实发工资。
- The children had loaded on too much sand; the wheelbarrow was brimming over. 孩子们装载了太多的沙; 手推车边走边往外流。
- In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar. 划龙舟时每个人都拿着一枝桨。
- The German coach has one of his substitutes warming up on the touch-line now. 德国教练现在正让一个替换队员在边线旁做准备活动。
- I want to use the wheelbarrow to carry sacks. 我想用这个独轮车搬麻袋。
- The area which a bishop administer have one cathedral and many smaller church. 一个主教所掌管的地区包括一个大教堂和许多较小的教堂。
- That machine has one big failing. 那台机器有个大缺点。
- The lease on our house has one more year to run. 我们房子的租约有效期还有一年。
- His party has one third of the seats in Parliament. 他那个党在议会中占三分之一席位。
- This small town only has one rinky-dink restaurant. 这个小镇只有一家陈旧破烂的便宜餐厅。
- That old man already has one foot in the grave. 那老人已是一只脚踏入棺材里,活不长了。
- So remind me why we invented the wheelbarrow. 整天扛着这么重的东西才知道我们的先人为什么要发明手推车。
- One wheel makes a horrible squeaking noise. 一个车轮发出讨厌的吱吱声。
- I want to use the wheelbarrow as my counter. 我想用这个手推车当柜台。
- A person has one head and one neck. 每人都有一个头,一个脖子。