- The waves engulfed the boat. 大浪吞没了小舟。
- The waves were very high, and the boat began to ship water. 浪很大,船舷开始进水。
- The boat was tilting on the waves. 小船在波浪中颠簸。
- The high waves engulfed the ship. 巨浪吞噬了那艘船。
- The waves wafted the boat to shore. 波浪将船飘送到岸边。
- The boat knifed through the waves. 船只破浪前进
- The waves licked the sides of the boat. 浪花轻拍着小舟的船舷
- The waves smashed the boat against the rocks, splintering it to pieces. 浪头把船冲向岩石,撞成碎片。
- The boat sank beneath the waves. 小船被大浪吞没了。
- The boat was overwhelmed by the waves. 船被浪打翻了。
- The boat went up and down the waves. 小船随着海浪上下颠簸。
- The waves dashed the boat against the rocks. 浪潮使小船猛撞在岩石上。
- The boat was rocking on the waves. 船随着波浪晃摇晃着。
- The boat was swamped by the waves. 那条小船被海浪淹没。
- The waves slapped against the boat. 波浪拍打着小船。
- The wave showered the boat with spray. 一个浪头打来,把水溅到小船上。
- The waves wafted the boat to the shore. 波浪把小船推向岸边。
- In Sri Lanka, President Mahinda Rajapakse will hold a memorial at a site near Galle where more than 1,000 passengers are thought to have died when the waves engulfed their train. 在印度洋海啸周年到来之际,受灾各国正分别举行各种仪式,悼念这场大悲剧。
- The boat rocked from side to side in the waves. 小船在波浪中摇荡。
- The waves boiled around the boat. 船只的四周波涛汹涌。