- The water overflowed the bank. 河水已溢出了堤岸.
- The water overflows the bathtub. 水从浴缸里溢出来。
- The river has overflowed the bank. 河水已溢出了堤岸.
- Water overflowed the sink in the kitchen. 水从厨房里的水槽中溢了出来。
- River have been overflow the bank. 河水已溢出了堤岸.
- The water overflowed from the bathtub. 水从浴缸溢出来。
- He missed the bank and landed in the water. 他没踩到岸上,踩到水里去了。
- The boat slides down the bank into the water. 这艘船沿着河堤滑入水中。
- The river hak overflowed the bank. 河水已溢出了堤岸.
- The water has overflowed the river. 河水已溢出了堤岸.
- The water is coming up to the bank. 河水涨到跟河岸相平了。
- Suzy left the tap open, and the water quickly overflowed the sink. (苏西没关掉那个水龙头,而水很快溢满那水槽。)
- Continuous rainstorms might cause the flood to overflow the bank. 连日暴雨使大水有漫过堤围的危险。
- The water cleaves the banks away like a knife. 河水象一把刀似的,把两岸削掉。
- The river has overflowed the banks. 河水已溢出了堤岸.
- The water has overflew the bank. 河水已溢出了堤岸.
- The water level has been increasing, and the flood has overflowed over the bank. 水位不断上涨,洪水已经从堤坝上漫流出来了。
- The water is over spilling the bank. 河水已溢出了堤岸.
- The crowd overflowed the auditorium. 人群挤得礼堂无法容纳。
- Hot water overflowed from the bathtub. 浴缸内的热水过多。