- The virus is spreading fast. 这种病毒扩散得很快。
- Exotic Newcastle disease spreads fastest among birds kept close together. The virus is spread through bird droppings and fluid from the nose, mouth and eyes. 异国情调新城疫蔓延最快的鸟保持着密切合作。该病毒的传播是通过鸟的粪便和液体从鼻子,嘴和眼睛。
- Such advertisements often convey misinformation about how the virus is spread. 这些广告经常误传这个病毒是如何传播的。
- In Armenia, outbreaks are on the rise and it seems likely that the virus is spreading. 在亚美尼亚,疾病爆发日渐增多,这一病毒很可能正在蔓延。
- Frieden.“Our key goals are to determine where the virus is spreading and to reduce its impact, particularly on those who are most vulnerable. “我们的主要目标为确定病毒的蔓延地区并减少其影响,特别是对易感性最高群体的影响。
- It gives a snapshot of the current state of knowledge about how and why the virus is spreading or regressing in various parts of the world. 它简要介绍了病毒是怎样以及为什么能在世界上许多地方传播或死灰复燃的知识现状。
- The virus is constantly mutating, and the strains that will spread fastest are the ones that do not stop people going about their daily lives and coming into contact with others. 病毒不断变异,传播最快的,恰恰是那些不会妨碍被感染者日常生活、接触他人的病毒。
- Marburg virus is spread through blood and other bodily fluids. 马尔堡病毒通过血液和其它身体接触传播。
- Be careful. This computer virus is spreading rapidly. 这种电脑病毒传播很厉害,你一定要小心。
- The virus is still active in the blood. 这种病毒仍然在血液中起作用。
- A variant on the virus is the worm. 病毒的一个变种是蠕虫病毒。
- The disease is spreading fast. 这种病正在迅速蔓延。
- The virus is carried by insects called mosquitoes. 该病毒由蚊子这种昆虫携带和传播。
- The virus is in the same family as Ebola. 它与埃博拉病毒属于同一家族。
- There are signs that the virus is mutating. 有迹象显示病毒正在变种。
- The smoke from chimney is spreading out in the sky. 烟囱冒出的烟正在空中散开。
- It is John that/who is spreading the news. 传出消息的人乃是约翰。
- "Word is spreading fast that you killed Mephisto. I'd be honored to fight beside you in Hell, but I've just received my mission orders. 娜塔亚)"你杀死墨菲斯托的消息传得很快.;如果能在地狱跟你并肩作战;那将是我的荣耀;可惜我刚刚接到任务命令
- Hemorrhagic fever caused by the virus is hantavirus. 引起出血热的病毒是汉坦病毒。
- The part of migratory birds play in spreading the virus is still being studied. 一部分候鸟在传播该种病毒方面的作用现在仍处于研究阶段。