- The tuber of this plant. 花生这种植物的块根
- The tubers of the plant are very small. 这种植物的块茎很小。
- The beverage prepared from the seeds of this plant. 咖啡饮料用这种植物的种子作出的饮料
- The fruit of this plant, eaten fresh or pickled. 该植物的果实,可以生吃或腌制来食用。
- The leaves of this plant, used as a seasoning. 这种植物的叶子,可用作调料
- A tuber of this plant. 土豆块茎这种植物的块茎
- A perfume made from the oil of this plant. 广藿香水从广藿香油中制取的一种香水
- The leaves of this plant can prick you. 这种植物的叶子会刺痛人。
- A red dye obtained from the roots of this plant. 茜素从该植物根中提出的一种红色染料
- Can the tuber of multiflower knotweed treat trichomadesis? 何首乌能治疗脱发吗?
- The range of this plant is East Asia. 这种植物的产地在东亚。
- The edible seeds or stalks of this plant. 茴香种子,茴香茎这种植物的可吃的种子或茎
- The root of this plant, eaten as a vegetable. 芜菁根这种植物的根,作为蔬菜食用
- The leaves of this plant are dying off. 这植物的叶子在凋落中。
- The fruit of this plant,eaten fresh or pickled. 黄瓜该植物的果实,可以生吃或腌制来食用
- The reddish-brown fruit of this plant. 美洲格尼帕树果该种植物的棕红色果实
- We also used GC-MS to analyze the constituents of the essen-tial oil from the tuber of the plant, finding out 17 compounds. 我们还首次利用气相色谱-质谱联用技术对马骝卵的挥发油主要成分进行分析,并鉴定了其中的17种成分。
- The edible, immature flower head of this plant. 洋蓟花头这种植物的可食用的,未成熟的花头
- The leaves of this plant prick if you touch them. 这植物的叶手碰上去会刺人。
- Caterpillars eat the young leaves of this plant. 毛毛虫吃这种植物的嫩叶。