- A Method of Fuzzy and Comprehensive Evaluation Based on the Barycenter of Fuzzy Set Applying in the Teaching Evaluation of P.E. 基于模糊集重心的模糊综合评判在体育教师教学评估中的应用。
- At the same time, we proposed the idea that data mining is utilized to integrate the results of the teaching evaluation. 同时,本文还提出了如何利用数据挖掘来整合教学评价结果的思想。
- By using variance analysis method,we give expert score corresponding weight,which makes the teaching evaluation model more scientific. 采用方差分析法,对专家评分赋予相应的权重,使得评价模型更加科学。
- University undergraduate education evaluation strengthens teaching and promotes the construction of the teaching staff by the use of teaching evaluation means. 摘要高等学校本科教学水平评估通过运用教学评价手段加强教学和师资队伍建设。
- preparing the teaching evaluation 备教学评价
- The teaching method marked a now epoch in education. 这种教学方法标志着教育的新时代。
- The teaching staff numbers twenty-two, fifteen women and seven men. 教师有22人; 15位女教师,7位男教师。
- 11 What is the guideline of the teaching evaluation? 教学评估的指导思想是什么?
- The news caused a flutter among the teaching staff. 这个消息在全体教师中引起了不安。
- The teaching staff of an educational institution. 学校的全体教师。
- The teaching staff speak as one man on this issue. 在这个问题上全体教员意见一致。
- We managed to get the teaching plan out on time. 我们终于及时制定出了教学计划。
- The teaching plan includes seven parts. 包括七部分。
- The teaching plan was being discussed at that time. 那时正在讨论教学计划。
- He read a paper on the teaching of English. 他买了一张报纸。
- Is the teaching method used conducive to learning? 所用的教学方式是否有利于本班学生的学习?
- Teaching evaluation is the quality appraising of all the school teaching work. 摘要教学评价是对学校教学工作的总的质量评定。
- Third. the renewal of the teaching content. 三是教学内容的更新。
- The teaching profession claimto be badly paid. 教育界从业人员自称收入微
- The teaching order in the school is very good. 学校的教学秩序非常好。