- The summons was served by a bailiff. 该传票已由法警送达。
- The summons was withdrawn. 传票被撤回。
- The summons was served by bailiff. 该传票已由法警送达.
- The summons was withdrawn 传票被撤回。
- He tears up the summons and go on holiday to spain. 他撕碎了传票并去西班牙度假。
- The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanical defect. 那种新汽车因有机械缺陷只好撤出市场。
- The item was withdrawn by the Administration. 政府当局撤回此项目。
- The old coins have been withdrawn from circulation. 旧硬币已经收回不再流通了。
- The bar was withdrawn from the soil. 钢钎从土壤中拨出。
- The stopper is so tight that it can't be withdrawn. 塞子那么紧,拔不出来。
- Judy Trenor's summons was very welcome to Lily. 裘蒂·雷诺的邀请使丽莉感到高兴。
- At the same time, IABP catheter was withdrawn. 同时撤除 主动脉弓 内气囊反搏导管。
- The troops have been withdrawn from the danger area. 部队已经撤出危险地带。
- A summons was served on her to appear in court the next Monday. 法庭传唤她下星期一出庭。
- Pound notes have been withdrawn from circulation. 一英镑面值的钞票已停止流通。
- A summons was served on him to appear at the next Quarter sessions. 法院传呼他在下季度开庭时到庭受审。
- The bank manager said that, in order to bring me down to earth and control my spending, I would have no overdraft facility and my cheque card would be withdrawn. 银行经理说,为了使我从幻想中清醒过来并控制我的开支,将不给我有透支的便利,并还将收回我的支票卡。
- The demand was withdrawn at the meeting. 这个要求在会议上被撤消了。
- The horse had been withdrawn from the race. 那匹马被停赛了。
- Mr. Drake's scheme was withdrawn. 特雷克先生的计划给撤回来了。