- The story spread like wildfire. 这件事很快传开了。
- The news of victory spread like wildfire. 胜利的消息不胫而走。
- So the conflict spread like wildfire. 冲突犹如野火蔓延开来。
- Cholera spread like wildfire through the camps. 霍乱在营地里迅速传播。
- Word spread like wildfire across the city. 消息像野火一样在城里蔓延开。
- The rumours spread like wildfire from mouth to mouth in that town. 谣言在那个小城镇像野火般地传开了。
- The new of assassination of president Lincoln spread like wildfire. 林肯总统被刺杀的消息无径而走。
- Basile then on to abandon Romi rumors spread like wildfire. 于是关于巴西莱要弃用罗米的传闻不胫而走。
- The news of the assassination of President Lincoln spread like wildfire. 林肯总统被刺的消息不腈而走。
- The news of the assassination of President Lincoln spread like wildfire . 林肯总统被刺的消息不腈而走。
- The news spread like wildfire. 这消息不胫而走。
- There was an outbreak of chickenpox at my son's school which spread like wildfire until nearly half the children caught it. 我儿子的学校里突然爆发的水痘象野火般迅速传开来,差不多有一半孩子染上了。
- This news would spread like wildfire if it once got out,even without the help of newspapers or radio. 这个消息一旦传出去,即使不借助报纸或无线电,也会迅速传开。
- That news spread like wildfire,too. Mark Melcher had gone kind of crazy over Old Man Fellows'death! 这个消息很快又传遍了小镇:马克·梅切尔由于老朋友费罗斯的死,伤心过度,现在快疯了。
- This news unexpectedly spread like wildfire throughout the class. It created a storm once it reached Mr. Xu. 不料,很快就传遍了全班,并且传到了徐老师耳朵里。 于是,一场暴风雨便发生了!
- The news of an ancient tomb discovery had spread like wildfire before the news reporters came to the village. 在记者们进村之前,发现古墓的消息早已象野火般地迅速传开了。
- That news spread like wildfire, too. Mark Melcher had gone kind of crazy over Old Man Fellows' death! 这个消息很快又传遍了小镇:马克·梅切尔由于老朋友费罗斯的死,伤心过度,现在快疯了。
- Engaging, useful, and interesting interviews are an easy way to create original content. And they spread like wildfire. 有意思的有用的访谈很容易成为原创内容,并且传播十分迅速。
- Before long, the story spread all over China, and everyone knew about the brother who ants boosted to first place. 不久后,这件事就在中国传开了,所有人都知道是蚂蚁使得宋郊得到了第一。
- This news would spread like wildfire if it once got out, even without the help of newspapers or radio. 这个消息一旦传出去,即使不借助报纸或无线电,也会迅速传开。