- The stinger of an insect. 昆虫的刺。
- She felt anxiety like the prick of an insect. 她觉得焦急,就如同被虫子咬了一样。
- The abdominal segment of an insect. 腹面昆虫的腹部体节
- Arranged in regular rows, as the spots on the wings of an insect. 按行排列的按规则的行排列的,如昆虫翅膀上的斑点的排列
- It intervals the drone of an insect bored the air. 不时有只昆虫嗡嗡嗡地打破这阵寂静。
- The narrow part of the abdomen of an insect. 昆虫腹部的较窄部位
- A vein or rib in the wing of an insect. 翅脉昆虫的翅脉或翅纹
- That cock got outside of an insect. 这个头目看不起卑鄙的人。
- A tonguelike structure in the labium of an insect. 中唇舌昆虫唇内的像舌状结构
- Of,relating to,or having the form of an insect imago. 成虫的,与成虫有关的,具有成虫形式的
- The stinger of the Japanese giant hornet is about a quarter-inch long and can inject venom containing a strong enzyme, which can dissolve human tissue. 日本大黄蜂的螫针大约有四分之一英寸长,它能注射一种含有强酶的毒液,这种毒液能溶解人体组织。
- Enclosed in an oval, horny case. Used of an insect pupa. 壳内的封闭在椭圆形角质壳内的。用于一虫蛹
- The anterior,uppermost part of the head of an insect. 额昆虫头壳前方最上部。
- One of the lenslike visual units of a compound eye,as of an insect. 小眼面复眼的像透镜的视觉单位,如昆虫的
- Enclosed in an oval, horny case.Used of an insect pupa. 壳内的封闭在椭圆形角质壳内的。用于一虫蛹
- Enclosed in an oval, hornycase. Used of an insect pupa. 壳内的封闭在椭圆形角质壳内的。用于一虫蛹。
- The dorsal part of the thoracic segment of an insect. 背板昆虫胸节的背部表面
- A shieldlike plate on the front of the head of an insect. 额板昆虫头前部的盾状板
- Of, relating to, or having the form of an insect imago. 成虫的,与成虫有关的,具有成虫形式的
- One of the horny ribs that stiffen and support the wing of an insect. 翅脉稳固并支撑昆虫的翅膀的角质翅脉之一