- The spring kept bubbling up. 泉水咕嘟咕嘟地往外冒。
- The spring kept bubbling up 泉水咕嘟咕嘟地往外冒。
- We participated in the spring fair. 我们参加了春季展览会。
- The new buds appear in the spring. 春天嫩芽初绽。
- His new book will be appearing in the spring. 他的新著将於春季问世。
- Gases from deep in the earth bubble up through the lake. 地下深处的气体从湖底冒了出来。
- We are closing up the shop for the Spring Festival. 我们商店春节要关门歇业。
- Many animal breed in the spring. 很多野兽在春天繁殖。
- I feel the rapture bubbling up once more. 我又一次血液沸腾、欣喜若狂。
- Fair girls were wived in the spring. 金发少女们在那个春天被人娶为妻子。
- Methane Bubbling Up From Undersea Permafrost? 甲烷从海底永冻层带冒出?
- Many animals mate in the spring. 许多动物在春天交配。
- She was bathed in the spring sunlight. 她沐浴於春日的阳光。
- The cuckoo is the herald of the spring. 杜鹃报春。
- Look! The warm gases are bubbling up through the water! 瞧,热气体正从水中冒出气泡呢!
- Daffodils and crocuses bloom in the spring. 水仙花和番红花在春天开放。
- Rivers flush with the spring rains. 因春雨而上涨的河水
- Their impatience is clearly bubbling up toward the boiling-point. 显然他们的不耐烦难以抑制,快要爆发了。
- Trade usually picks up in the spring. 贸易一般在春天回升。
- The boiling water in the kettle keeps bubbling. 壶中的水已经滚沸了,咕噜噜地叫着。