- The soup tastes good. 汤的味道不错。
- The soup tastes satisfactorily good. 汤的味道真好,令人满意。
- The soup tastes a little sour and a little sweet. 这个汤有点酸,有点甜。
- The soup tastes very delicious . 这汤尝起来真香。
- How good the soup tastes ! 这汤尝起来真好啊!
- The dish of boiled beef and carrot tastes good. 那道清炖牛肉胡萝卜的菜味道不错。
- Can you ladle the soup out of this deep pan for me? 你能从这个深底锅里舀点汤给我吗?
- If Dad catches you you'll be in the soup. 如果爸爸抓住你,你就要倒楣了。
- I had a taste of the soup to see if it was nice. 我喝了一小口汤,尝尝是否鲜美。
- He spoiled the soup by putting too much salt in it. 他放了太多的盐,把那盘汤糟蹋了。
- Mixed with Spirit, the red wine tastes good. 和雪碧调在一起,这红酒的口感很好。
- I must say the soup is really very good. 我得说这汤的确味道很好。
- Judged by the aroma,the food must tastes good. 根据香味来判断;这食物一定很好吃.
- She tastes the spaghetti. It tastes good. 她尝了尝意大利面条。面条好吃。
- Let the soup simmer (for) a few minutes. 让汤再煮几分钟。
- She skimmed the soup to remove most of the fat. 她撇去了汤上的大部分浮油。
- This soup tastes strongly of onion. 这汤洋葱味太浓。
- The addition of fruit makes the cereal taste good. 加了水果使谷类食品变得可口。
- The soup tasted mildly spicy. 汤尝起来略有点辣。
- I say, waiter, the soup is too salty. 喂,服务员,这汤太咸了。