- Then this article inquires into the necessity and probability of natural science methods used the social science research, and analyses the methodological origin that social science research lagged. 通过分析社会科学研究落后的方法论根源,探讨了社会科学研究应用自然科学方法的必要性和可能性。
- Of course, social science research is almost never conclusive. There are always methodological difficulties and stones left unturned. 当然,社会科学的研究几乎从来没有结论。总是有方法上的困难和人事未能尽到的情形。
- Social anthropology is one of the social sciences . 社会人类学是社会科学之一。
- Anthropology is one of the social sciences. 人类学是社会科学中的一支。
- The Social Science Class of the Academy. 最后,科学院的。
- Social anthropology is one of the social sciences. 社会人类学是社会科学的一门学科.
- The highest ambit and core of social science research method is the kind of epistemology on society and history. 其最高层次、最终境界与核心问题是一种社会历史认识论
- The social science research 社会科学研究
- Of course,social science research is almost never conclusive. There are always methodological difficulties and stones left unturned. 当然,社会科学的研究几乎从来没有结论。总是有方法上的困难和人事未能尽到的情形。
- Our children need to know that as societies become richer, they don't become happier -- a fact regularly shown by social science research. 我们的孩子们需要明白:虽然社会越来越富裕,他们并不是越来越快乐,这也是社会科学研究常发现的一个事实。
- Of course,social science research is almost never conclusive.There are always methodological difficulties and stones left unturned. 当然,社会科学的研究几乎从来没有结论。总是有方法上的困难和人事未能尽到的情形。
- The evaluation of the achievement of social science research is a hard nut to crack in the management of scientific research. 社会科学研究成果的评价是科研管理中的难题。
- Comprehending the formation process of the social science is very important to cognize the nature and research paradigm of the social science. 摘要瞭解社会科学的形成过程,对于把握社会科学的基本性质和研究规范,具有重要意义。
- Strength the scientific management, advance the level and benefit of the social sciences research 加强科学管理,推动社科研究工作的发展
- History and the social sciences by Mark M.Krug. 作者声明: [by] Lewis Paul Todd and Merle Curti.
- At what stage are the social sciences? 社会科学处在什么地位?
- The argument of technicality and commercialization of social science research is mainly reflected on different orientation of value and purpose of research. 摘要图书情报学研究的学术性与商业化之争主要表现在两者有着不同的价值取向和研究目的。
- And it also raised "this thesis emphasized on arts and social science research and expressed humanism spirit in programming for the future as a designer who has humanist quality. 提出“论文偏重社科方面的研究,以规划师的人文素养来表达面向未来的人本主义规划思想,在对全球化浪潮的反省中强调地方性的重要;
- Misappropriating the theories of social science. 不正确地使用社会科学的理论
- Agresti , A., &Finlay, B. (1997). Statistical methods for the social science. 邱皓政(2004):量化研究与统计分析。台北:五南图书公司。