- The snow drifted everywhere. 雪飘至各处。
- The snow drifted into huge mounds overnight. 雪一夜之间被吹积成许多大堆。
- The snow drifted against the fence. 雪靠着墙堆积起来。
- Accidentally, in the village some people went against the snow drift to have the snowman. 无意中,村庄里有人顶着雪堆起了雪人。
- The wind drifted the snow into a high bank, blocking the road. 风把雪吹积成长埂,堵塞了道路。
- In the story, a pair of lovers went climb Mount Himalayas and happened to encounter an avalanche; he was whirled by the rolling snow to an unknown place, while she stood beside the snow drift, dumbfounded there. 说是有一对情侣一起去登喜马拉雅山,恰好遇到雪崩,他被滚落的雪卷走,到一个不知名的地方,而她则站在那滚去的雪堆旁边,呆在当地。
- The wind drifted the snow into huge mounds. 风把雪吹积成一大堆一大堆。
- A woman smiles at a pair of male man-nequin’s legs sticking out of the snow drift outside the Shelby Floral Shop in Shel-by, Ohio, Monday, Feb. 9, 2009 a few days before Valentine's Day. 2月9日,美国俄亥俄州谢尔比一家花店外的一堆雪里,一名“男”人造模特的脑袋被扎进雪堆里,旁边的黑板上写着“他忘记了情人节,但是,她没有”。商家用幽默的方式提示各位男人,一个忘记过情人节给女友或者爱人买花的男人被扔出去的可怜下场。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- The road was edged with snow drifts. 路边上有一个个雪堆。
- The snow has frozen hard on the road. 路上的雪已经冻得很硬了。
- The strong wind drifted the snow in piles. 大风将雪吹刮成堆。
- Last winter the snow lay thick on the ground. 去年冬天,地上积雪很厚。
- The snow crusted the lake last night. 昨夜的雪使湖面结了冰。
- The snow drifted against the garage 雪刮到车库边堆积了起来。
- The snow underfoot wassoft and deep. 脚下的雪又软又厚。
- The snow has banked up against the shed. 雪在小屋旁聚积起来。
- The wind packed the snow against the wall. 风把雪吹得堆积在墙边。
- He was late as a result of the snow. 由于大雪他迟到了。
- My birthplace! Sea waves are surging with wind, They drift everywhere with me. 是我生长的地方,海风吹,海浪涌