- The small one be. 是小的一个。
- The large lake is to the west of the small one. 那大湖是在这小湖往西。
- This large gear turns the small one. 这个大齿轮带动那个小齿轮。
- I'd rather have the small one than the large one. 我宁可要个小的不要大的。
- The larger Buddha was painted carmine red and the smaller one was multicolored, Mr. Melzl said. 梅兹尔说,大佛涂上胭脂红,小佛涂上多种颜色。
- I'd rather that you had the small one. 我宁愿你要个小的。
- I'd rather that you have the small one. 我宁愿你要个小的。
- Do you prefer the big one or the small one? 你喜欢大的还是小的?
- The smaller one was so ornate with gilt and wood marquetry that it had to be covered again with burlap to save it from the damp. 较小的箱子纹饰华美,做工精细,只得再蒙上粗麻布,以免潮蚀。
- I would rather have the small one than the big one. 我宁愿要小的, 不要大的。
- I prefer the small one above all others. 我喜欢小的这一台。
- I do not see why they have picked on the smaller one. 我不明白他们为什麽选中那小的?
- The big ship is safer than the small one. 大船比小船更安全。
- Which one is yours,the large one or the small one ? 哪个是你的,大的还是小的?
- No, the smaller one, next to that one. 不是。是它旁边的两种。
- The larger firm absorbed the smaller one. 那大公司并吞了那小公司。
- The large conference room or the small one? 大会议室还是小会议室?
- Which cake is nicer, the big one or the small one? 哪块蛋糕比较好吃,大块的还是小块的?
- I want the small one with the yellow handle. 我想要带黄色把手的那个小的.
- I don't see why they have picked on the smaller one. 我不明白他们为什么选中那小的?